Shrinking Violets Check-in for January 1-7, 2007

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

I completed my UB WO. Did LIC UB sculpt premix, BM2 UB (did not do double), BM2 double abs, then stretch. I matched Cathe's weight on everything. I think I am going to try 8s instead of 5s for some of the tricep work next time, maybe. Feel good and tight! I wanted to do yoga, but amybe tonight when i have time after work.

Sweet dreams Wendy. How was the step class?

Kali, doing those blasts is a killer! Good job!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in


Great work out girl! Last night's step class was fun. It was a good work out too. The choreo is quite different from Cathe's style though so I messed up a bit but that's okay...atleast I'm not bored, right? ;) So how long was your u/b work out today? I have u/b on tap for tomorrow so I am trying to decide what to do. I want to hit it good but not TOO good. I am starting P90X on monday and don't need to begin with tired/sore muscles! I still want to try the double upper body premix but I'm thinking that one may not be wise at this point...:eek:
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

The Double UB is a good one for sure. i have done that 2 times. Today was just over an hour, but I did take a littel break befoer abs to put all my stuff away. SO probably an hour. I didn't double the BM2 part, just the abs.
Sounds like a good class. P90x should be alot of fun.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey violets,

Getting ready to do some yoga and relax! DH is going to the YMCA to exercise,kids are at a game and I am all alone!Ahhhhhhh! peace at last!

Maeghan-I haven't gotten LIC yet but I plan on it. The UB sounds really good! I am still sore in the chest from doing GS chest Monday! I didn't know it could last that long. Now my butt is killing me from leg workout! Hope you enjoyed your workout!

Kali-Those blast on LM are killers girl!

Wendy-Hope you had a good workout on the TM, and a good nap!

Will come back later ladies,

Hello to Sunny,Jean and others I may forgot!

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in


Hope you enjoyed your yoga and your peace and quiet! I'm in the same boat right now....DS is in bed, DH is out at bowling so it's just me and I am going to do some yoga myself soon!:)

Have a good night!
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hi Violets

I hope everyone had a good day. Today went well this AM PUB and quiet time. But tonight I feel like I could just go crazy with my eating...yikes. I hope to stay in control.

Sweet dreams to everyone...Heather I hope you get a better nights rest.

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey Wendy,

Yes I did my yoga, and it was for beginners although some of the poses I could not do! I was struggling instead of relaxing, so after doing ten mins. of that I did Stretchmax#3. Now that was relaxing and felt good! I am really feeling the soreness from GSlegs yesterday!Ouch!!

Have a good night ladies!!

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good evening all. Busy day at work. I slept in too long and was only able to squeeze in PUB up only, but it felt good to get a weight workout in. See all of you tomorrow.

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Kim, I just finished the first 30 mins of YogaX. Felt good. I too have some major DOMS in my lower body but mine is from that blasted B&G!}( }(

Runlikeagirl, Welcome to our group! I am sorry I didn't welcome you sooner. Last week was crazy for me. I'm just starting to get back to normal now. Hope you enjoy it here!:)
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Jean, Making the effort to do something, no matter how small is what counts! Good for you! :)
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Jean,hope you had a good workout with PUB! I love that UB workout,cause I feel it everytime!!

Wendy-How hard is the P90x yoga? It seems to be very hard for me to do yoga. It doesn't seem to be relaxing to me! I guess I should keep at it!

Maeghan-Who was the instructor you did with the yoga/pilates? I haven't done pilates in forever! Glad you had a good workout!

Everyone have a good night!

Shrinking Violets Check-in

This was a good day! I slept like a baby last night and felt better this morning. I am still not as energetic as I would like to be, but I am feeling alive again. My energy level is increasing every day. I am able to focus with greater mental clarity. My complexion is clearer and more radiant after a few days of clean eating, and my jeans are comfortably snug instead of unbearably tight. I am once again enjoying the freedom of not knowing what I weigh. I am feeling more comfortable in my own skin and experiencing a greater sense of peace and contentment overall. I am enjoying this amazing adventure every step of the way instead of rushing it. I am realizing more and more each day that the journey is more important than the destination.

After my quiet time this morning, I did the cardio and weight circuit premix from the Low Impact Step DVD. I love this workout. The choreography is fun, and the intensity is just right for weeks like this. My feet did not hurt today, and my knees only bothered me during lunges. I walked to the courthouse this morning and climbed the stairs at work without any discomfort. I do not need a scale to tell me that I weigh less than I did last week. I feel lighter on my feet and look better too. I am confident that my body will be healed by next week.

I am still eating intuitively clean. This works for me as long as I avoid junk ingredients like hydrogenated oil, high fructose corn syrup, and MSG. Those ingredients trigger cravings, lead to overeating by failing to provide the nutrition my body is craving, and cause allergic reactions in the case of MSG. I can enjoy my favorite food and satisfy my cravings if I choose high-quality ingredients. Real food tastes better than processed junk and is far more satisfying.

I was craving cheese today. I did not eat any animal protein for 3 days, but I enjoyed some whole wheat lasagna tonight. Yummy! I made it with organic pasta sauce to ensure that I was not consuming any MSG. I still have no desire for meat of any kind.

I love my Cathe “Commit to Get Fit” calendar. I am having fun recording my workouts and color coding them by type of workout.

I am ready for a warm bubble bath and another restful night of sleep. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday! I am looking forward to a restful weekend.

Hugs to all the Violets!

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey girls,

I have GS BSB and abs in store for today! My lower body as still sore, but stretching yesterday sort of eased some of it!

Well off to work as usual!

Have a good day violets!

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good Morning Violets.

Well, so far I have decided to go for the BM2 Double Upper Body Premix this afternoon!}( :eek: }( We'll see if I chicken out later!:p

Kim, I am not a yoga person. The only other yoga I tried was Bryan Kest and even his beginner vid moved to darned fast for me. Tony is more down to earth about it. He explains it better and goes into the poses slower so that people who haven't done it before have a chance to figure out what's going on! LOL Tony also says that you may be uncomfortable in some of the poses-this is normal so if I were you I wouldn't worry too much if you don't find it relaxing right now. I know I don't. I am forcing myself to do it. I have to do it when i start P90X on Monday so I have been "practicing". LOL

Have a great day everyone!
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Kim- it was actually Denise Austin LOL!! I had gotten it a year 1/2 ago or two years, and it has 20 in pilates and 20 yoga/little pilates.. It was nice to do since when I first got it I couldn't do most of the stuff. Now I did it all, some with ease.

Wendy- go for it! Have fun with it too. It is 72 min if you do the abs with it.

I should just do straight cardio today. Maybe run? Don't know.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hi Guys. My thighs are KILLING me from those dang blasts yesterday. Somehow I knew they would be tho. LOL.
No workout for me today. I'm contemplating what I want to do next. I can't make up my mind if I should stick to what I'm doing, or start going heavier w/ weight work, yada yada yada. I'll decide by Monday.

Heather, I'm glad you're feeling well. Keep it up. I hope to be joining you Monday w/ the clean eating again. I pretty much blew it this week.

Wendy, did you do it? How heavy do you lift? And what's this P90X thing. There's enough threads on it, I guess I can go look for myself. Hope Joey's doing well.

Meg, did you run? How's the weather where you are? It's raining here and 60 degrees. (should be about 20 I think)

Hi Kim! I'm not a yoga person. I do the stretching in the workouts. That's about it. I used to do Slim and Limber from the Slim in 6 series. Never got into yoga or pilates. How was work?

Well have a good afternoon ladies! Talk to you later.

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

My chest is starting to feel the effects of yesterday's PUB. Today will be DOR unless things change. I've got a headache and stomach issues so I hope I'm not coming down with something. Hope everyone else is staying well. Keep up the great workouts.

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey Ladies.

Well I did NOT chicken out. I did DOUBLE UPPER BODY from BM2 but I couldn't finish the abs. I aggravated the arthritis in my neck early on in the ab work so I couldn't go much further once it started to hurt. It REALLY hurts right now. I took an anti-inflammatory for it but they don't normally work immediately. I'll probably have to take another one tonight before I get any relief and I hate taking those things!x(

So that premix was KICK-A$$ for sure! OMG! I went as heavy as I could..OUCHEES!}( }( }( I will have to do it again after my P90X rotation is complete!;)

Kali, P90X is an advanced Beach Body program that focuses mainly on weight lifting. You can use it to build muscle, to help lean out, etc. You can use it alone in one of 3 pre-written rotations depending on what you want. You can also use it to compliment Cathe or any other instructor's work outs. It's alot different from Cathe. I think it'll be a good change for me. Folks have gotten AWESOME results from it! I can't wait to see what it does for me!

Okay, almost time to get Joey up from his nap. He needs a bath and then it's off to grandma's house for a visit. :)

Later chicas!

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