Shrinking Violets Check-in for January 1-7, 2007

Hi Heather B.

I am new to Shrinking Violets. I guess you could say I am a lurker. I love reading what you write. It is a huge blessing to me. The love you have for Jesus just shines through your words. I want to run the race with you and you WILL run that race because you can do all things through Jesus Christ who give you strength.(Philippians 4:13)

Here is another verse that helps me I am sure you know this one...

No Temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. (1Cor 10:16)

God Bless you.


Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good evening, Violets! I am checking in tonight because I slept in this morning. I did Supersets this morning, which was perfect because I was tired and running late. What a fun workout! Even though I did not feel great this morning, I had fun with this one. This is the only total body weight training workout that is pure fun for me. I may do it again next week. Even in her less intense workouts, Cathe never fails to slay my biceps! Mercy!

I thought about going to the club tonight to run in the pool, but I decided to call it a day early and bless my body with more sleep tonight. I am still tired and need the rest.

Kali, did you enjoy your cardio today? Which workout did you choose?

Runlikeagirl, welcome to the check-in! I hope you will continue checking in with us. This is a warm and encouraging group. Thank you for the encouragement!

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Well the gym did not happen today ladies but I did get in PUB down only premix and my own ab work.

I have no clue what's up for tomorrow as I have to work in the morning...I will check out the new class schedule for the month. Maybe I'll take a class tomorrow night.

Have a good night!
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hello violets,

Well still sore as crap from GS C/T! And now GS legs is on the agenda for this afternoon! I really can't remember that one, since it has been awhile.

Wendy-I'm so glad Joey is doing better! As far as exercising, you will get back to it!!

Off to work now, so everyone have a great day!

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Morning Violets!
I burned some good cals yesterday! Did good with my eating! Is quite happy about it! Not sure what WO today, as usual. Starting to feel some DOMS in my shoulders, which isn't too surprising after DM. I should do some straight cardio today, and abs.

DH's wheel locked up and blew a tire this morning. I think he should just stop driving. I am going to laugh about it so I don't cry!

Runlikeagirl- Welcome!! I hope you come out of lkurkdom and join us! I agree with you about Heather!

Wendy- that is a good WO for getting back into it. Glad Joey is well.

Kim- so you are going to burn up the LB now huh?LOL!!

Kali- hope you get to have a nice walk today with good weather. Glad you are back.

Jean and SD- what crazy wo's are you gals doing today???

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hi Heather B and Megadoo Thank you for the warm welcome. I will continue to check in.

This morning I am off to a good start I was in the Word and had some quiet time which is one of my goals for 2007. (To put God first.) Now it is off to the treadmill to run for 45 min and then do an ab work out.

Have a great day.

runlikeagirl (aka Lori):)
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Only have a minute to post. This morning was 45 steady jog. I had to walk 2 min after the first 15, but then I just slowed it down a bit and finished the rest at a jog. I know I will get my endurance back, but I hate having to wait while it builds back up. I used to worry about the dog and wearing her out, but with the cooler temperatures she just keeps going like the energizer bunny. She's my pace setter. LOL.

I'll check back later.

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey Violets!

I finished up the leg/glute work from B&G's standing glute and abs t/s premix a little while ago. I skipped the abs. Tonight I am taking a step class at the gym.

Have a great afternoon!:)
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Had another good WO this afternoon. I did LIC timesaver cardio premix 48min, then LIC abs (I love them cuz they are non stop burn), then I did yoga YAY! for about 20-25 min. Focused on hip work. Then I just ate my lunch of eggs and wheat toast and a little turkey sausage. Full. Hoping for a light dinner.

Jean- you will be back to your full endurance in no time! Wish I had a dog to keep me company!

Wendy- have a good class. I forgot to answer you the other day. My DH got me an IPOD Nano and told me to download a CC. (He has no idea what it isLOL), I also got WO clothes, and the one calendar that I had ordered was a gift too. He also told me to order the Cathe's I want since he waited to long and really hasn't a clue about them either! Him and my mom got me some nice clothes. I needed that, esopecially tops. I also got the pirates movie, Hinder CD, gloves and sweet boots! He surprised me with one of those hand held massagers for my DOMS! That is nice. I also got some Avon jewlery. SO he told me we can go shopping after we recover more from the holiday spending and go get more dumbells and stuff too! I was pleased.

Lori-I am glad you are sticking around! Have a good run today!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey ladies,

Got to do GS legs and I need some major encouragement girls!! I am tired from all my running around tonight and I'm trying to talk myself out of it! I have to just quit thinking about it and do it!

Maybe I will come back with a completed leg workout!

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

hello ladies,

please accept my apologies, i've been so bad about checking in over here with you ladies.


today i wanted to go to the gym at lunch but i was talked into going out to lunch. was one of my work-buddies bday today. i was good, we went to a japenese restaurant and i had shrimp and vegetables. with a little rice.

so now i am off to do the elliptical.

have a great evening everyone;)
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey girls,

Well I just completed GS legs! Yowsy! That leg workout is no joke! I was a little wimp when she did the slow lunges,my legs were jello by then!

Hope everyone has a good night!

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in


NICE Christmas you had, girl! Will you be ordering HSTA then? If so, you can keep mine until you get it. I figure you won't waste much time makin' that order up! Am I right? :p

Speaking of weights...My SIL bought me a 40# adjustable DB set for Christmas. All I have to do is go out and buy the bar and I'll have a barbell set as well! WOOH! I'm psyched!}( It's a much better deal then having 1000 sets of DB's lyin' around! As it is I already have 2's, 3's, 5's, 8's, 10's, 12's and 15's!:eek:

Have a great night!:)
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Kim glad you got your workout in.

Maeghan, what a nice Christmas you had.

Wendy, wish I would have thought about the adjustable weights. I asked for a dumbbell rack to get my dumbbells organized and out of the way. I got it but my neoprene weights don't fit on it. My 15's and 20's fit, but the others I have to creatively hang so they don't fall off.

Hope everyone is having a nice evening.

Shrinking Violets Check-in

This is another late check-in for me. I did not get much sleep last night because one of my neighbors was having a wild party. The music and shouting kept me awake from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. I had to pray for strength to get moving this morning and grace to make it through the day. I need to start sitting in front of my light box again. I am still recovering from the holiday blues, and the dark winter days are not helping.

After a short quiet time, I did Step Fit. Thankfully, this is one of Cathe’s lighter workouts. It is so much fun. Cathe is adorable in this workout, and her choreography is fun. I love the flying angels, power mambos, dancy cool-down, and soothing stretch. The set is nice, and I like the music too. Cathe is cute and funny from her comment about a sheep to calling us Tootsie Pops. This is definitely one of my happy workouts. Even though this is one of my favorite workouts, it was not as enjoyable today. My feet are still hurting with every step I take. That is true during the day too, and I am wearing comfortable shoes to work this week. My feet and knees have been bothering me since I did my friend’s cardio boot camp class last Wednesday. The extra weight I am still hauling around is intensifying my discomfort greatly. I need to remember this feeling when the next holiday or vacation arrives. The temporary pleasure of indulging in too much rich food is not worth the pain I am experiencing now. I still need to master moderation in the area of celebration eating.

I continued listening to Beth Moore’s CDs on Christian fitness and freedom. Wow! I love her approach. She boldly speaks the truth in love without sugar-coating it. I was so convicted this afternoon that I still have food-related strongholds to overcome. I want to live in a place of balance and moderation where I treat my body with respect.

It is another rainy night, so I should sleep like a baby. I am hungry and need to eat before I call it a day.

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey ladies,

Running super late for workout but just wanted to check in real quick! Today is yoga or stretch for me and I like that! I may put some bike exercise in that today!

Have a good day!

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Kim, i think you are on a roll woman! Enjoy that stretch, you deserve it!

Heather- oh I hope your feet feel better. That is very frustrating. That is quite rude of your Neighbors to have a party at those hours. Hope it doesn't happen again. Hope you slept well.

Morning Violets. I am doing UB today. NOt sure if I will add in cardio. Maybe a run? Don't know. I would love some more yoga though. That was so nice yesterday.

Wendy- oh, that adjustable sounds really cool. Alot easier then lugging out all the DB every WO huh? Thanks about High Step! Yes, I am compiling my list already! We usually do our taxes before the end of Jan, so I am trying to hold out till we get the refund, but I don't know if I can!LOL!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good Morning!

Just a quick check in to say that I'm going to run on the TM today. I'll be back later to chat some!:)
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hi Kim, Meg, Wendy and All the other Violets!

I was crunched for time today so I did the Lowmax warm up and blasts. After that being said, I have NO idea whatsoever what I'll be up for tomorrow.

I'll be back later! Have a nice afternoon ladies!


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