shoulder pain


Hello everyone!

I need some advice. I have been struggling with soreness/pain in my right shoulder for as long as I can remember. I won't let myself stop working it (to see if it will heal after a while). I never lift really heavy weights; I usually use the weight that Cathe uses (except for MIS - I could never use 35 lbs.!). I feel the pain mostly on the pulling motion or the negative motion of an overhead press. I also feel it, though, when doing chestwork, especially flies and pushups (the descent portion). I'm not in pain in my everyday life, just when working out. That's why I don't think it's an injury. I feel like I just need to strengthen it, but don't know how to go about it. Does anyone have any words of wisdom? I would really appreciate any suggestions from my fellow Cathe devotees!!! (What would we do without her?)

Thanks so much......Linda
Where in your shoulder is the pain? Front (anterior) or back (posterior) or side/top (medial)? I always have tightness in the neck/trapezius area and in the front deltoid (which is from me occasionally taking the weights too far down on the decent of a fly or chest press. Push ups are sometimes painful. Dr. says I have strained the anterior deltoid, combined with stressing the tendon that is tied in or near the deltoid and pectoral muscles. Anti-inflammatories and ice or moist heat help, too.

My neck/traps bother me from a previous strain about 3 years ago and it flares up with stress and/or lots of working out.

I've tried to lay off lifting but find that difficult to do (I'm a type A personality), so I lighten weights and will take an extra day or two off of the area and focus on abs or something. Not sure if I'm much help...
Since this is a pain that is chronic, and the shoulder can be a touchy joint, I HIGHLY recommend getting some advice from a PT or doctor, to make sure that what you do helps heal the area rather than making the problem worse. In one appointment with a PT, you can get a diagnosis, as well as some rehab exercises and ideas for form (ask LOTS of questions, to make good use of your time).
Thanks for your response! I never really thought about seeing someone about it, but it would be nice to know for sure what the problem is and hopefully get rid of it. Thanks again!

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