Should I feel tired after lifting?

Hi Cathe, I have started STS and increased my weight a little. The past few days has not been fun. I consider myself an advanced exerciser but since I increased my weights I just feel soo tired and sore. Is that normal?
It sounds like STS is a great workout! If I didn't feel tired and sore after starting a comprehensive lifting program like STS, I would be very disappointed. But then, I love my DOMS!
Not Cathe, but for what it's worth I thought I'd mention your diet -- I find that I feel a lot more tired by my workouts if I'm not getting enough nutrition. Since you're pushing harder than normal, maybe you need to increase fluid intake too. Or get a bit more rest. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to feel more worn out since you're working harder. Just make sure you're taking good care of yourself. And if it doesn't improve after a while, then maybe you should consider backing off a bit.
In her recent 2 part email on the STS forum Cathe did say that diet would be important. She mentioned that individuals should consume a high nutrient diet. Check it out. I also road tested Cathe's nutrition manager. It was pretty enlightening to see the variety of foods necessary to meet the nutritional intake of vitamins required.

When I did P90X (a 90-day strength program) several years ago, I was extra tired the first week-and-a-half to two weeks. I just took more naps or slept in a bit, and once my body adjusted, I was less tired.

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