Should I do it or not?....


Ok, so I signed up to do a Duathalon months ago and it's this Sunday. (Yep, that's in TWO days from now :eek:) My sisters were supposed to do it with me but when I checked with them they told me they never signed up and they "don't feel like it anymore".

I don't want to do it by myself! What if I can't find a parking spot? What if I get lost trying to get there? There will be no one to cheer me on while I'm there. I'll be all alone. :( It was 65 bucks so I'm hesitant to bail on it since there's no refund allowed at this late point.

It's a 3.1 mile run, an 18.5 mile bike, and then another 3.1 mile run. I know I can do it, physically. Well, at least I THINK I can.....I haven't ridden my bike nearly as much as I should have tho. Do you think I should just consider the $65 a donation to the Irish American Society? (That's who's doing it ;)) Or should I try and do it? I want to, but I don't want to. Ugh. This is so hard.

Allison, I'd do it! It sounds like your main challenge will be mental, being alone and stuff. It'd be a great opportunity to prove to yourself that you CAN do it. Just think how great you'll feel, knowing what you accomplished all on your own.
I think you should do it. Think about how great you'll feel when you're done! You'll be so proud of yourself! (And we will be cheering you on, even if we're not there. Picture us cheering in your head! Yay Allison!) And then afterwards you can post here and we'll tell you what a fabbo job you did!! Woo hoo! :7
And then afterwards you
>can post here and we'll tell you what a fabbo job you did!!
>Woo hoo! :7

Oh yay! I forgot that if I do it, I can post here and brag! But, unlike Emily who had people there at her 5k to take pictures of her, I won't have hoo for me. :(

Gosh, I am SO good at finding ways to feel sorry for myself...

Allison, you should TOTALLY do it!!! If I lived anywhere near you, I would do it with you! (Even though I haven't ridden a bike in like 2 years :p )

You will have the entire Cathe forums cheering you on from all corners of the world. How cool is that??? It's one thing to have a few fans on the sidelines, but you've got fans ALL OVER THE PLACE! :D :D :D

[font size=+2 color=red]DO IT!!![/font]
Well I have a slightly different take on it. I've never been one to encourage too much cardio :p , so I think you should back out of it and make each of your sisters pay you $32.50 for not signing up and forgetting to tell you about it. Bad sisters...bad...BAD!!! LMAO :p :7

OTOH, if you DO decide to do it, we'll cheer you on :*
Allison, you should do what you feel comfortable with. If you're that nervous about it, don't do it. You work hard & you should spend your free time doing what you enjoy.

That said, if you go ahead w/it we will all be cheering you on in spirit!
Yeah, go for it!! I went and did my first 5K all by myself last fall. DH didn't even come to watch. Which was ok. I took my mp3 player and just went jogging/walking by myself (in a crowd of 750 people! :)) . You can do this! If you feel nervous about the parking and such, go by today and check it out if you have time. That's what I did for my 5K and I felt so much more confident having scoped out the place (and I even drove the route in my car).

Good luck and Have FUN!!

DO IT!!! DO IT!!! DO IT!!!! I am the same way about stuff, I don't like to go alone. I panic about all the same things you are worried about: parking, directions, etc. But once you get there and do it, you will be so glad that you did!! You will do fabulous!
Allison, you should definitely do it! I am on a triathlon relay this Sunday in Auburn, CA. It's a hilly 25 mile bike course for me. Another gal is doing the swim and the run. I did it last year and it was a blast!!! You will be glad you did!!!


My first tri & my first distance race were both done alone. The other participants were all the companionship I needed to get through.

I ran a race last Sunday with a group of people. It was fun but turns out I'd rather do it alone.
"The best things in life are the people we love, the places we've been and the memories we've made along the way!" Come rain or shine, we'll all be there with you in spirit! Goooo Alli!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
Go for it, and have fun doing it. Whatever happens, you did what you said you were going to do. That in itself is very important.



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Do it Allison! I say go, but give yourself permission to drop out if you find it is not fun at any point during the race. You wont be alone. There will people who have come solo who will seek companionship and even some of the ones in pairs or groups will be friendly - I bet some of them will be fun.

Could you take a camera along and get someone to click a pic and post for us?

Count me among those who will be cheering virtually.

~* Vrinda *~
Go for it Allison! I did my first duathlon on 4/27 and it was so much fun! I ran 2 miles, biked 14.5 miles, and ran a 5k. The only weird thing I had happen was my foot fell asleep on the bike and I was running and *shaking* my foot trying to get the blood back!

I was a little intimidated by the whole thing. I've run plenty of races but this was my first time biking one. The transition part was what had me do I put my bike in there....will I feel hurried and out of sorts...that kind of thing.

When I got there I found they had everything all planned out and I had to do was follow directions. Hang my bike up on the rack (after I put my number on it). Some guy there lent me some masking tape to really make sure it was secure because he said otherwise it would "flap" in the wind. Super suggestion (take a roll of tape with you). Then I hung my bike up on the rack, put my bag on the curb, and made sure my race number was on my T-Shirt. All set and ready to go!

Have a blast and let us know how you do. ;)

Oh thank you, everyone! I'll be sure to keep your "cyber cheers" in my head the whole time!

I rarely do races because I'm SOOOO competetive with myself (and others) that I'll kill myself trying to come in first (which of course never happens, but I'll try as heck to try and make it!) I'm that person who sprints across the starting line and is then doubled over on the side of the road with a stitch in her side a mile into the race. x( I'll try and take it slower. There are always amazing athletes at these things so of course I won't come in first so why die tryin', right?!

I'll bring a camera and see if someone will take a pic so I can post it. I'm definetely going to do it now! Thanks for all the advice!

I'm so glad you're doing the race! Sometimes you gotta face those fears and just go "pbbbbbt" at them. Besides, your sisters will owe you bigtime for weinie-ing (is this a word???) out on you. Good luck and have fun! BTW, I'm sure you'll find plenty of people willing to take your photo. Looking forward to your post after you cross the finish line.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.

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