Should I buy...


I already bought

1- Power Hour
2- MIS
3- Muscle Max
4- Pure Strength
5- Bootcamp
6- Muscle endurance
7- PLB & PUB

Should I buy the GYM STYLE series????

If so, WHY?????


yes, I can! It will create muscle confusion so you don't hit a plateau. If you are always doing the same workouts you'll always see the same results and your muscles will adapt to them and learn how to do the movements in the same sequence with more efficiency. So, you want to mix it up a bit by adding different videos that do the movements in a different sequence. Therefore you will see results just that much faster by avoiding a plateau! :)

Hi Helene,

Another take on this dilema. You might want to think about your personal goals. Figuring out what you want to achieve might allow you to see whether or not you really need these workouts.

Thanks, so far, for the answers.

I want to build muscles in my arms ( I don't want to see those 'jello' triceps anymore)

I want to slim down my thights (they are big with cellulite)

I want to loose 7 pounds

I want to firm up all over the body and be in my best shape ever. (I hit the big 41 this year)

So that's why I was wondering if I needed the GS series on top of all the other Cathe workouts that I own.

Hmm, you do not seem to have much cardio in your collection. If you want to lose weight, cardio is the way to go. Cathe step is awesome, although people are going to start thinking she pays me to talk about it! What level are you, and have you done step before or do you prefer more athletic types of workouts like kickboxing?

Hi Helene,

First off, I think that you have enough variety of weight workouts in your current collection to accomplish your goals. Of course, I don't know how long you've been using any given workout. You may need to give yourself permission to use heavier wieghts and stop earlier, or adjust rep speed when you are trying to make gains. You also may need to monitor your results and tweak your w/o's accordingly.

I like the gym styles just slightly more than MM. The band work in the GS w/o gives my muscles a little different challenge as does the ball work in the leg w/o. This challenge was a pleasant surprise.

It might help you to know that I was looking forward to an updated replacement for PSS. So, this is the reason that I wanted the gym styles. It also might be helpful to know that I have been preordering Cathe workouts for as long I can remember. The preorder prices are very good and this makes it affordable for me to order all her workouts. After a while, I like to have a change in music and general production, but keep the same style of workout. Cathe gives me just enough of familiarity yet she adds enough of a change or twist to keep me coming back.

Since you are down to the last seven pounds, you may want to take a closer look at your diet. Your metabolism may have changed a little at this stage in life. Also, good nutrition will support your fitness regimine.

Your friend in fitness,
>Hmm, you do not seem to have much cardio in your collection.
>If you want to lose weight, cardio is the way to go. Cathe
>step is awesome, although people are going to start thinking
>she pays me to talk about it! What level are you, and have you
>done step before or do you prefer more athletic types of
>workouts like kickboxing?

Forgot to mention my steps DVDs. I bought:

-Cardio Hits
-Body Max
-Bootcamp & muscle endurance
-Low Max
-Core Max
-Stretch Max
-Imax 2 + Cardio & Weights
-Basic step + body fusion

I already do steps (2-3 times a wk) and also I walk 45 min. each day.

I was more concern about if I need to buy the new GS workouts.

Also, I just pre-ordered the new serie.
Yes, I would suggest getting the Gym Styles. Based on what you have this would be an excellent series to give you more variety. Also you can go heavier with this series than you can with the others as the rep counts are slower. This would be an excellent series to compliment what you already have.

I think the gym style is the hardest of them all.I did a rotation with them this week. My arms are still sore.
I have pyramids, s&h power hour. Most of the others. I think these work you harder and more.
I have a hard time finishing them all. I shake . But, i go as heavy as i can.
I personally like to change weekly,
1 week S&H
1 week gym style
1 week pyramids
Gives me a change and variety.
Good luck,
Thanks for all the replies.

I am still not sure if I will order GS. I have to think about it before investing another $100 for the 3 workouts.

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