I have been using PS and MIS for strength training but I feel I need some new workouts. I would like to buy both Powerhour and S&H but have just booked holidays etc. So could anyone help me with which one would be more beneficial for me at this moment in time? I have been feeling a bit stuck when it comes to my upper body. I feel I could handle more weight for my legs if only I could lift the barbell onto my back!! My endurance is pretty bad as well. I used to be able to do BodyMax in its entirety but its a struggle for me now. I cannot lift very heavy so I like slower reps where I can go as heavy as possible but I also know that my endurance needs to improve. My gut feeling is to wait with Powerhour until I can lift heavier and go for Slow & Heavy first. I guess I could continue using MIS to work on my endurance. But I don't know whether I am right.