Should I be committed?

Yes - oh yes - I find people annoying and often wondered if I was insane - things that seem to bother me don't seem to bother other people. Hope this doesn't sound crazy but I can't STAND all the smacking, clicking, chewing, popping sounds of gum chewing. In fact, I can't stand to see the constant motion of the jaw engaged in this action. My DH says I need help - so please someone out there either confirm this or tell me this bothers someone else out there.
I am the same way. I work with someone who talks non-stop and sounds like Mini-Mouse. Very annoying. Sometimes I want to scream "SHUT-UP", or slap her upside the head.
Lately I have had the urge to carry a frying pan into grocery stores with me. I want to go up to people with carts loaded with CRAP, smack them with frying pan and yell "WTF?!"

I have issues and I embrace them. With one hand only though, the other is holding a frying pan. :D

I'm lmao :D too funny !!

I know, I grit my teeth and move on :p
Flick em in the ear. It will hurt but won't leave a mark. That way you can say "I didn't do it." when the cops come. :) By the way. Totally agree, . . this is why I am so anti social!

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