Short weight rotation without cardio


Active Member

What are your thoughts on working out with heavy weights without doing ANY cardio for a short period of time (say 3-4 weeks)? I've been reading up on this and have heard about people getting really good results in muscle gains and strength as well as weight and fat loss.

I've been considering giving it try just to see what happens. I was thinking about trying by working out 5 days per week doing the following:

Sunday - S&H Legs and Shoulders
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Power Hour (using light weights for chest & back exercises)
Wednesday - S&H Chest & Back
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Power Hour (using light weights for biceps and triceps)
Saturday - S&H Biceps & Triceps

Again, this is just an idea. Any thoughts or advice you may have will be appreciated. :)

I'm not Cathe, but I am curious about this also. It sounds like a fun rotation to try. I personally am not a huge fan of cardio. If you decide to try this, Cheryl, would you mind posting your results? I'm toward the end of a rotation, I'd love to hear from you on it.
Hi Amadeus!

I'm not exactly sure when I'll be starting this rotation, but I will definitely post my results. :)

I'm not a big cardio fan either. For some reason, I see better results with 2-3 sessions of cardio per week.

Thanks so much for responding!

Hi Cheryl:

I also would like to know your results. I would love to do something like this as right now I'm totally burnt out on cardio but am afraid to stop for fear of my clothes getting tight, so if you don't mind being the "Guinea Pig. Would you mind using the title something like, "results from doing weights only" so I don't miss it.
Thanks and Good Luck!
>Hi Cheryl:
>I also would like to know
>your results. I would love
>to do something like this
>as right now I'm totally
>burnt out on cardio but
>am afraid to stop for
>fear of my clothes getting
> tight, so if you
>don't mind being the "Guinea
>Pig. Would you mind using
>the title something like, "results
>from doing weights only" so
>I don't miss it.
>Thanks and Good Luck!

I wouldn't mind being the "Guinea Pig" at all :) and I will use the title that you suggested so that you won't miss it.

Thank you for your interest. I hope that I get positive results!

Hi, I am also interested in this and I'm thinking about starting a rotation such as this. I'm ordering Slow & Heavy on Thursday when I get some money and I'm really interested in your rotation. Maybe we should all try this together? The only difference is I'm thinking of adding 2 cardio sessions per week using the Firm. I have their 6 new tapes and I really like them. One is only 30 minutes of cardio and is pretty easy, so I'll probably add this to one day. Have you started the rotation yet? Thanks, Kelley
Hi Kelley,

No, I haven't started the rotation yet.

I have the new Firms too and I've been using the cardio (especially the 40 min. one w/Nancy Tucker) on a regular basis. Right now I'm doing 2-3 cardios and 3 AWT/strength workouts per week.

With the interest that you ladies have been showing, maybe I'll start soon than I planned :)!

If you all are interested in trying the rotation together, that will be great. I'd love the "company" :)

Hi Cheryl, I would love to try this rotation with you. I won't have Slow & Heavy until probably the end of next week, but I could sub the Pure Strength series for this week and next week. I"m actually waiting on the UPS guy right now to deliver some videos I ordered last week. My rotation for today calls for upper body work and I'm waiting on the Upper Body CTX video before working out today. So if you want to start the rotation now, that's fine and I'll start the rotation this week, but with subs until I get the S&H series.

Oh another thing. I'm a rotation junkie and it's not unlike me to switch rotations in the middle of one, but I will try my best to stick with this one as close as I can. I really need to try something new and stick with it.

Woo hoo, my tapes just arrived as I was typing this.

Your S&H tapes just arrived? Yay!

I'm not one to stick to a rotation for a long period of time either. I usually go by how my body feels. For example, last week was a heavy weight week for me. This week I'm combining pure cardio with AWT workouts.

But I have every intention on sticking to the "no cardio" rotation. I love Power Hour and the S&H series, so I don't think I'll have a problem with it. I'm more concerned with being mentally prepared than anything else. I think the two rest days will really help :).

If you'd like, we can start next week! We can post daily on the Open Discussion board too. Whatever works best for you. How about starting on Sunday (8/25)?

Let me know :)
Hi, no my S&H tapes didn't arrive. It was some other Cathe tapes I ordered. I won't be ordering S&H until Thursday and I'll get them sometime next week. Sunday (8/25) is a good start day for me as Saturday is my rest day. I will try my hardest to stick with the rotation. Even if I sub some tapes, I'll try to make it something comparable to stick with the rotation. I'll check in on Sunday. See ya.
Well Cheryl, you have really started something here, just goes to show you how a lot of us think alike. I also get bored and have to continually change my routines around. I wish Cathy would come out with 4 new Upper and 4 new lower body tapes that would keep me quiet for a while.
If Cathe, came out with 4 new upper and 4 new lower body tapes, I would be in HOG HEAVEN!!!

I tried the no cardio thing for 6 weeks. I did a S&H rotation and gained 5 lbs. My clothes weren't tighter, but they weren't loser either. I also slept alot and ate everything I could get my grubby little hands on. No cardio just didn't work for me. Trying 2 days of cardio now with 4 days of wt. work. We shall see....

Hi Robin and Annabelmcminn,

Can you imagine?? Four upper and four lower body tapes!! That would keep me busy for a good while too.

Robin, thanks for posting your "no cardio" rotation results. How many times per week did you workout with S&H? Did you did each tape one time per week or more? Once you finished the rotation and added the cardio, did you notice more definition?

Hi Cheryl, I'm working on my rotation to start on Sunday. Mine will have a couple of days of cardio. Heart disease runs in my family which is my incentive to get in at least 2-3 days of short cardio per week. And OMG I did CTX Upper Body yesterday and I am so sore today. I'll let you know on Sunday what my rotation will look like or maybe sooner if you're interested. I think I'm going to be doing S&H mixed with the 6 new Firm videos. I'm hooked on these for some reason. I think because they are short and I can mix and match them. I may alternate the 6 Firms, though, with other Cathe tapes like Power Hour, MIS, and CTX upper body. I will definitely try to stick with S&H as the foundation of my rotation with very light cardio. See ya later.

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