short shorts


Hello, I'm a fit mother of five soon to be 40 years old. I'm very petite 5 feet tall about 100 pounds. I love to wear short shorts, not showing any butt cheeks. Is ok for a mother of my age to wear short shorts? I always though it was ok since I'm not curvy and top heavy. I'm told all the time that I look like i'm in my 20's wether wearing sophisticated clothes or shor shorts. What's your thoughs on this? Thanks!
Honey - if it makes you feel good and look good - do it! I don't think there is anyone here who would fault you for wearing short shorts at 40, especially at 5' tall and 100 pounds. I'll bet you look fabulous!
I say YES! If you have a nice body, showing it appropriately is just fine. Wish I could wear short shorts! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
No, absolutely not! It makes me jealous!!!}(

Seriously, I'll bet you're look fantastic!!! Wear 'em, girl, for as long as you can!
At 40 I did. At almost 47, I am rethinking this. Probablly not too much in public, but around the house, working in the yard and such yes. I guess the advent of such nice capris and longer shorts have changed my mind. I have an alternative now, and although my legs are buff, they are not 20 something buff.

But truly I think if you are comfortable, go for it. I think for me it was when my daughter became a teen I started getting uncomfortable wearing the same thing as her.(and I could as we wear the same size, she just looks better in it)
Definitely take a good look at yourself in a mirror from the back and seated, and if you like what you see, there's no reason why you shouldn't wear short shorts.
I don't know you have to go with how you feel, confidence is everything.
Your stature might make them look extra good, not trampy at all.

For me? I have a stomach that technically could be on display with cute cotton oxford shirts tied up in front exposing my tummy, but after a certain age it doesn't feel "right". Not that I feel old at all, but you don't feel the need to put as much skin out there, no matter how toned and tight it might be. Thats just me though. Oh, and I am 41. I know I live here in Vegas and see so many women in their mid thirties and up, trying to look like their daughters and its so dang sad, they all look the same to me with their tight clothing and extensions. Ick.
I try to ask myself, "what would Jackie Kennedy have worn?" Or Audrey Hepburn, two style icons but classy, classy, classy.
Theres nothing worse than mutton done up as lamb.

I will be very blunt (no apologies) People do judge books by their covers (unfortunate but true) You will be judged for wearing the short short. "Shes 40, a mother ! What does she think she looks like? Tramp!) (none of it true but hurtful nonetheless) I would save myself from that if I were you.

There is nothing more attractive than an woman 40+ with Style and class. Tneah is 100 % right no argument at all! Audrey HEPBURN, just beautiful!

The (self appointed)Fashion Police (lol)

P.S However : If you look in the mirror and see nothing jiggling, nothing sagging, no cellulite, and you look about 25yrs old. Go for it!!!

post edited in an attempt to correct spelling and puncuation.
I hesitate in writing this as I dont mean anything negitive about it for sure, just passing along information...

Stacy and Clinton on What not to wear would say NO - be age appropiate - wear the longer knee shorts...

Tim Gunn says the same thing - just because you can doesnt mean you should -

All about age appropiate - without being doudy or anything lame like that... I love a nice blouse, longer shorts and cute wedge heels... looks young BUT appropriate....

Even if I could - I dont think my high school kids want me looking like them...

I come down squarely in the age appropriate, classy, Jackie/Audrey, beware of Stacy and Clinton camp ;-) :7
Ye gods, I'm 5 ft high, and muscular. If I were to wear "age appropriate" knee shorts - I'm 38 - I'd resemble your worst nightmare dumpy camp counselor, the kind who looks like she actually enjoys wearing knee socks and a neckerchief. So I say if the shorts are not tacky and your goods aren't peeking out the back, wear them! Shorts that come to the thigh or that general area can be classy and cute, especially with the right top.

Please note that I am not talking about the kind of short shorts that when you bend over, the mystery's gone. :p


Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
I believe that if you feel confident in your clothes, then go for it. Just remember, there is always going to be a "look" or a "sneer" from someone no matter what you wear (short shorts or long pants). Most of the sneers are probably from people that are jealous. I am sure that if you are classy enough to ask for feedback, that you are classy enough to know when and where the short shorts would be appropriate.
Ah! Forgive me, when I think of short shorts I think about Jessica Simpsons infamous "Daisy Dukes" , so I am probably not even understanding what you mean by short-shorts.;) On someone who is short, a shorter short would indeed help balance the body.
Actually I have read in numerous books, in fact maybe even Timm Gunn's Guide to Style, the most flattering length short is the one that hits that place on your thigh where it starts to sort of "curve in", if that makes any sense, its the smallest part of the thigh, and if your shorts hit there, the legs look longer and leaner.
Length is so important even with skirts and dresses, if they hit mid calf-presto! Your legs look thicker-yuk. Right at the knee or a touch above is really the most flattering on most women-Heidi Klum being one of the exceptions of course.;)

There I go giving my two cents again!:)
YUCK I hate long shorts on me and I'm 5' 4". As long as my butt is covered, who cares? Is there some rule that says unless you have exquisite legs you have to wear long shorts? Well, I get acne, am I supposed to wear a bag over my head (even though I feel like it somedays)? Gee maybe we should only let old people out after dark so we don't have to see anything icky.
I dunno, if you are only 5 foot tall, you are probably dang lucky to find anything that fits right in length anyway, just wear what seems right to you, you aren't going to dress like some teeny bopper if it is inappropriate.
Ha ha ha...all this coming from someone who will be wearing a sequined bellydance costume tomorrow night, so take it for what its worth. :)
You bellydance?:7 So do I! I used to, about two years ago, I did festivals and stuff, how cool!:) The only time besides working out I feel comfy showing the belly.;)
If you don't wear them with high heels and your cheeks are covered, go for it. Beware the age fashion police--Tim Gunn was also quoted as saying women over 40 shouldn't wear capris. Excuse me?! People also used to say long hair over 30 isn't age appropriate, but Jackie O. changed that. She also went braless in public well into her 40s, betcha the fashion police didn't know that! Wear whatever you want.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Hey Tneah,
Yes, I've been taking classes for over a year now. I just love it, love my bellydance sisters, etc. I get giddy like a kid about class and rehearsals, tons of giggles and fun. Do you still perform??
I am in the minority here, but I don't like short shorts on anybody!!!I'm very traditional!

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