I'm about 5'3" and I feel pretty good about my height. (Love those cropped pants/capris!) My only complaint is that even 5-10 lbs really shows on me.

As for short actresses - Demi Moore is supposedly 5'4" and Kelly Ripa is 5'1" or something.
Oh I love all the shortness!!!! I am 4feet, 11 and 3/4 inches and 39 years old and my whenever I go pick up my kids from school(they are 9 and 11)the teachers say I so easily blend in with the kids! But beside the pants problem I love being little. I have a Piglet mug that one of my friends gave me for my birthday that says "small but powerful" and that is me in a nutshell. Donna.
Nice to read how many of us are SHORT and HAPPY :) I remember as a teenager my grandmother always told me great things come in small packages that helped alot I guess.

Like most things in life - the one thing we have control over is our reaction to things. We arent gonna be tall so embrace our petiteness! Now I do feel sorry for the Men they have a much harder time with it.

Interesting about the person having the problem with the wedding gown. MANY years ago I found the opposite. I went to a store No longer around - Priscilla's in Boston (it was pretty famous) and fit into a sample . It was a 4 petitie and it fit perfectly and I got it for a GREAT price and this from the best store at the time! Granted this was 20 years ago but I can't imagine stores being LESS petite friendly as we all know the # of clothes for petites is SOOO much better today!
I'm 5'1" and have been self-conscious most of my life for being too short. But my boyfriend is 5"10 and tells me that he loves short women. He says it makes them look more cute and feminine. There are a lot of short actresses. My favourite is Mary Pickford who was also 5"1' and very tough (business-wise). She was also born in the year of the dragon like I was and so I feel a connection with her.

Also Janeene Garofalo is 5'1"

I do find that short women have to be careful about putting on too much weight. Because of our smaller frames, we can't distribute any extra weight on our bodies and still look proportioned. Tall gals can gain weight and hide it much easier on their frames.
RE: Hey 5'00' girls, I have a question

>I am 5 nothing too! What do you find is your best weight?
>Mine was 105.....which has been long gone!

Hi Jackie,

My lowest weight at this height was 100 - 102 and people told me I was waaaaay too skinny. I look back at pictures of myself and I look like I'm sick or something. At 115, my body is much more healthy and attractive looking and I turn more heads! :p

>It's a real pain though reaching for stuff on the top shelf in
>grocery stores. I hate having to ask a stranger to get things
>down for me. At my kitchen cupboards, I just use a long knife
>to kind of nudge the item down -- with the exception of jars,
>of course!

That is so funny! I have problems getting things off the top shelf at grocery stores too! The last time I was there, I needed something off the top shelf and lifted up my 7 yr old boy to grab it for me. He's 67 pounds so it wasn't easy!! I kept hoping no one would walk by and see me! LOL!!!!

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