Hi Cathe, and all fans, I have kept gym shoes that are several years old, some are 1 year and some are about 6 months old, and I still feel that I'm not getting the right support.I have bought running shoes for running, aerobic shoes for aerobics and crosstrainers for weight training. In your new tapes, you have these hi-impact jumps and with the repetitive kicks, I feel I need more support. In one of your tapes you mention that lateral support would help. I know for liability purposes you shouldn't advertise, or mention what we should buy or not, but I'm just looking for your advise, and, or opinion. What shoes do you wear in your new tapes, they look like Ryka. Are they?Since your new tapes incorporate cardio and weight training, I want to buy a gym shoe that would be reliable for all these needs. And are these gyms shoes, the same gym shoes you use for Circuit Max, and Cardio Kicks? I'm currently looking into purchasing the Ryka Re-Evolution, what do you think?
All your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
All your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.