Shock Cardio arrived today!!!


OMG, OMG, OMG!!! So excited, my DVDs arrived in the midst of a wicked snowstorm here! Another perk of being so close to Cathe's gym -- quick mail delivery! I just may have to tip my mailman for Christmas after all as we didn't even have the walkway cleared yet and he brought it up to the porch.

Of course I already worked out today because I never imagined they'd come until Monday but I'm going to try to squeeze in some previewing in between baking and cleaning and do my first workout tomorrow! Yay!!:D:D:D
Dianna, I'm so super happy we live on the East Coast.....cuz mine JUST CAME TOO! Only bad part? I already did 2 workouts today! LOL (CTX Step & Intervals with chest this AM, and Leaner Legs just now). Guess I'll have to control myself till tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!! Sounds like you and I have the same agenda this afternoon....previewing between batches of baked goods! LOL

I'm so jealous. A package came today and I ran out to get it, but it wasn't STS; it wasn't even for me. : ( I am happy for you guys on the east coast. Nothing better than a weekend spent previewing new workouts.
I'm so jealous. A package came today and I ran out to get it, but it wasn't STS; it wasn't even for me. : ( I am happy for you guys on the east coast. Nothing better than a weekend spent previewing new workouts.

Oh, I hate it when that happens!! I don't have mine, either!!! Just waiting for Santa dressed in brown!!
Considering the snow-driven bitch-slap you Nor'Easterns are going to get or are already getting, I can only be happy for you that you are getting your SCSs now.

Please, PLEASE, if you have ANY time, please preview and/or try the workouts and dish it up to us here re descriptions, impressions, etc.


Considering the snow-driven bitch-slap you Nor'Easterns are going to get or are already getting, I can only be happy for you that you are getting your SCSs now.

yeah just a courtesy from the south easterns doesn't snow much here but when it does boy we sure get it then we pass up the north LOL. i don't think the mailman is making rounds today its getting late and he hasn't been here yet. poor guy.

This is great. I will have mine on Dec 29th. The UPS is slooooow.:mad: My dad sent us a 25 pound package and was here in 4 days with USPS.
Well I have to wait, calm down and read your experiences. :p
Keep me posted I want to know what do you think and how was your STS cardio workout.
Now off to do two Imax workouts. This is my workout for today. Getting ready for STS.

This is great. I will have mine on Dec 29th. The UPS is slooooow.:mad: My dad sent us a 25 pound package and was here in 4 days with USPS.
Well I have to wait, calm down and read your experiences. :p
Keep me posted I want to know what do you think and how was your STS cardio workout.
Now off to do two Imax workouts. This is my workout for today. Getting ready for STS.


REALLY i thought UPS would have quicker shipping since in essence you are paying more and pick ups are later. since they are shipping first class or priority(still don't see 9 dvds being first class shipping) i would think it would take longer depending on weight.

A-Jock, NOT A PROBLEM! I'll be playing around tomorrow morning with HIIT, I believe, and maybe some stepping just because I can! Will keep you posted. And yes, this delivery DOES make the snow storm more bearable! ;)
This is great. I will have mine on Dec 29th. The UPS is slooooow.:mad: My dad sent us a 25 pound package and was here in 4 days with USPS.
Well I have to wait, calm down and read your experiences. :p
Keep me posted I want to know what do you think and how was your STS cardio workout.
Now off to do two Imax workouts. This is my workout for today. Getting ready for STS.


I get it on the 29th too. Sigh. Oh well in time for new years!
I've never heard a blizzard called that before. I love it. :D

i have another term for it but we will stick with bitch slap to keep it rated pg-13 LOL. they still haven't plowed our way and the mailman abandoned that whole rain,sleet,snow deal yesterday LOL.

REALLY i thought UPS would have quicker shipping since in essence you are paying more and pick ups are later. since they are shipping first class or priority(still don't see 9 dvds being first class shipping) i would think it would take longer depending on weight.


This is my first preorder using UPS and ain't I sorry now. I would have my DVDs 2 days earlier if I ordered USPS. Go USPS!
This is my first preorder using UPS and ain't I sorry now. I would have my DVDs 2 days earlier if I ordered USPS. Go USPS!

i was that way until yesterday! LOL when dmv and post offices stopped all services. i mean yes we did get a bit of snow but its not like 4-5 feet what happen to the whole rain sleet snow business LOL. j/k of course i am sure they were acting on the side of caution i just hope they get here soon i ordered in the beginning so mine had to be shipped in the first half of the orders.

Awesome! I'm in the US for xmas, so not having to wait another couple of months to pick it up is a great gift! I hope that sucker shows up tomorrow so I can get into it.

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