Shipping notice, anyone?


Just wondering if anyone has gotten their Quantum notification from UPS yet? I ordered in July and I'm hoping to be pretty early on the list but no notice yet.
I was hoping we could have a thread (this one would be perfect) where everyone lists when they received their shipping notice followed by when they preordered. That way, those of us who ordered later (like me in October) can watch the dominos drop as they get closer!:)
I received mine...I ordered the first day and paid for 2nd day air! (I'm on the west coast). Mine will be here on Tuesday! Yippeee!

I was in Germany when I preordered the first day at 9am German time, which was 2am EST. My e-mail address has changed since I ordered so I can't check that way, and you can't start tracking a UPS order until after 9pm. I'd be very surprised if mine wasn't shipped today, though.

It's so exciting!!!!!:) :) :)
I got my notice today for delivery on Mon. I ordered the first day, and I love in NJ. I can't wait!!
Hi All,

I got my notice :7 happy dance. They are due on Tuesday (no special shipping). I ordered on the 3rd of July, shortly after they were listed.

I am so happy :7 ,
Yup. I've got mine, but UPS tracking has not picked it up yet. I am in Oregon and it takes about a week for shipments to reach me. I can't wait. I'm jumping out of my skin.

take care
I ordered mine the 4th of July, and I got 2nd Day Shipping. Mine are coming Tuesday. Can I say I was hoping for MOnday??? Oh well, I love Cathe, and I can't wait, I have been looking so forward to these!!!!!!!!!
invoice #4852

By the way, I live in MI.
I haven't gotten my notice yet, but I checked Cathe site and mine has been shipped. I'll have to wait for the UPS update to find out when it will be delivered, but I'm thinking Tuesday will be the day.
I got my notice this afternoon. I have 2nd day air and I ordered July 3rd.
Isn't this exciting? I haven't got my Cathe posters on the walls yet, and I have a little more painting to do. My DH says the DVD's will still play the same in the player regardless if my room is ready or not. LOL I want things to be all in place and just that stupid? I feel like a Mom-to-be getting the nursery ready.:)
Got my shipping notice! February 10 is magic arrival day. I may have to stay home from work on the 11th to preview. :)

Well,as always I am going to be seeing others post and have to wait. I think I did mine in the middle, and for some reason it takes forever for anything to get to Oklahoma. Well, at least I get everyone else's previews.
Diane Sue
Yes, I got mine. I won't have them till the 11th of Feb. I live in Utah.. I guess that is why it will take so long..

Beverly :7

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