>This is a big issue for me because my hair is very black,
>thick and coarse and my skin is fair. My biggest problem is
>that I CAN'T STAND to grow the hair on my thighs long enough
>for it to be waxed. I am a compulsive shaver, and to avoid
>shaving even for a day drives me crazy. So the hair is never
>long enough to be waxed. So I just wind up shaving. x(
>Someday, I am determined to save up enough money to have my
>whole body lasered, but until then, I'm stuck with those
>unsightly red bumps that come from shaving and have no idea
>what to do about it. Maybe I should try Nair? My skin is so
>sensitive though, I'm afraid of burning it.
>This is a never-ending problem for me.
Nancy...I have the very black coarse hair too. I also shave my legs about everyday! I do use cortisine cream on my legs after I shave to avoid the bumps there. Shaving the bikini area just gave me the red bumps, but Nair has changed over the years and as it never worked before, it does now. As I tried waxing my legs once...I won't do that again. So like Judy said find a happy waxed customer or give Nair a try (it didn't burn me)....