>Definitely shave for me--I don't think I could take the pain
>of waxing, plus I don't like that "in between" period when
>it's growing out (same reason I don't wax my eyebrows). I
>shave year round.
>My friend works for a dr. who just stared doing laser hair
>removal treatments. She had her armpits done & it was totally
>painless, & surprisingly cheap--I think it costs about $200.
>I was considering having my upper lip done b/c I'm tired of
>the bleaching (not to mention the potential skin damage).
>Might be worth looking into for the bikini area.
I'm scheduled for my third laser session tomorrow night. I got an underarm / bikini (brazillian - don't knock it till you try it, trust me!) combo package, which is 5 sessions over the course of a year (you have to go multiple times for it to be a permanent solution). My package was quite good, and I think totalled ... $1300? In that neighborhood at least.
It does hurt (like a rubberband being continually snapped on your skin, HARD), but it's 100% worth it. I'd highly recommend this route, if you have the profile (fair skin, dark hair - this is SCREAMING for you Nancy!!!).
What happens: after your first session, about 2 weeks later, all the hair that was treated falls out. You stay perfectly smooth for a good ... 2 months, after which the hair starts to slowly grow back. At the 3 month mark, you go for your next session. Repeat. After repeated sessions, less and less hair grows back, and it's much finer. I used to obsessively shave every day, and now, even at the very end right before I am ready to go for my next session, I can easily stretch 3-4 days between shaving (and I'm a fanatic about this, so it really is much finer and just much less at this point after 2 sessions). Many people are nearly 100% hair free after 3 sessions - the last 2 are for gravy to ensure everything has been hit and eradicated.
Sorry for being so long.