Sharon Mann

Sure, here you go! HTH!!!!If you order them can you let me know how you like them please? TIA
i ordered mine thru cheaper. i have 2 dvds both called the is cardio, the other sculpting....and i like them just fine. sharon can be a little high strung at times but her moves are basic and with the 3 different intensity levels, it is flexible. video fitness might have some reviews there:)
>i ordered mine thru cheaper. i have 2
>dvds both called the is cardio, the other
>sculpting....and i like them just fine. sharon can be a little
>high strung at times but her moves are basic and with the 3
>different intensity levels, it is flexible. video fitness
>might have some reviews there:)
HI Joan, thanks for your info too, how do they compare to Cathe tapes? She is the only one that give me a decent workout anymore. I have watched Sharon Mann on fit-tv & she seems good. How long are the tapes? tia, Karen
the dvds are programmed where you pick a warmup, 2 different cardio segments and then a cool down.....for example, i may choose a step warmup, then interval step for cardio1, bootcamp for cardio2, and a yoga cooldown. you can literally create hundereds of different w/o's. the PROBLEM is that the dvd limits you to 2 cardio choices so if you want a longer w/ would have to stop and reprogram a new w/o. no biggie for me, but i know it would get on a lot of peoples nerves. the total w/o time is around 40 mins..i never really looked!
I went on the website and am very interested in buying them. But before I do.... Are the aerobics complex, basic, moderate?? About how long are they?? warm up, aerobics, cooldown? How do you rate them compared to Cathe's. Thank you for all the info!!
>I went on the website and am very interested in buying them.
>But before I do.... Are the aerobics complex, basic,
>moderate?? About how long are they?? warm up, aerobics,
>cooldown? How do you rate them compared to Cathe's. Thank
>you for all the info!!
> JaneJ

The aerobics are very atheletic and basic, and three levels (at least) are shown, so you and increase or decrease the intensity as you like. When you choose a warm-up, two middle segments, and a cool down, the workouts all clock in at about 30 minutes or less. BUT, if you have a programmable DVD player (mine is, and it's a cheapy), you can figure out which title/chapter each of the segments belong to and program your own workouts of various lengths. (Warm-ups and cool-downs are about 5 minutes, so each middle section is about 10 minutes.)

You can "preview" the DVD's by watching Sharon's program on FitTV. The segments on the DVD are right from her show.

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