I started on the "Foundation" (Basics incl. Multivitamin, Iron, C, B & E as well as the Soy Protein) only a few days ago, so can only talk about "short term effects" of the vitamins for me.
I was kind of sceptical in the beginning, because I had tried other vitamins before and quite frankly, I think I had wasted my money. It always kind of bothered me, that most of the vitamins had 1500 % of the RDA of some vitamins and only 5 or 7 % of other vitamins / minerals. What I really liked about Shaklee was that they didn't have those "imbalanced" ratios, so I thought I give it a try.
I also have to say that I am an extreme case. My health had been deteriorating over the last two years, with chronic fatique syndrome, meniere's disease/vertigo, dizziness, panic attacks, colds, chronic sinus infections, joint problems, you name it. I had been on all kinds of medications and vitamins/supplements that were prescribed by doctors. I was at a point that I thought I had some kind of disease that noone knew about yet, because none of the medications or vitamins and supplements that were prescribed, helped. Cathe workouts were just not possible anymore, due to lack of energy, etc.
To make a long story short, I finally got diagnosed with the real culprit (I had a tooth pulled about 2.5 years ago, and the dentist didn't tell me that he left a large hole going up to my sinuses, so bacteria was going back and forth between my mouth and sinuses, slowly effecting every area of my body and my immune system).
I started the Shaklee's vitamins last Monday or Tuesday, within a couple of days, I actually was able to work out again to Cathe (did 40 min Rythmic Step, 45 min Cardio Kicks and Pilates last week)which I hadn't done in the last several months. Within 3 days of taking the "Foundations", I felt more alert and the tiredness was actually manageable, and I haven't had any vertigo or panic attacks in that week (whereas before I had it 2 to 4 times per week). This may not sound like a lot of improvement to many of you, but it was HUGE for me. I would lie if I said my life changed from one day to another and all my health problems were gone based on those vitamins but what I can say, is, that I can feel a positive difference so far. I want to add that I am not on any other medication, and that my first surgery will come up on August 10.
I know Shaklee is not "cheap" , but quite frankly you will have to pay for quality. Anyone of us on this forum knows that Cathe DVDs/Videos are not "cheap", you can get a lot of so-called exercise videos for a lot less than Cathe videos, but there is a reason why we all are willing to pay more for Cathe workouts.
One week is a very short period of time, but so far, I am very pleased with the results that I got with Shaklee's vitamins. I would suggest that you also talk to Robin (robin4health) about your special requirements, she is very knowledgable and helpful.
I will keep you posted on any further progress. Sorry it was so long-winded, but I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!