SH Easier after IS???


Did SH Triceps/Biceps/abs this morning after about 8 weeks of Intensity series rotations. It seemed less difficult than in the past when I've done it - I didn't feel like I got as good a work out as I did with the IS tapes. Anyone experience something like this? I'm thinking I may actually raise my weights...
If S&H was "less difficult" this time around, increase your weights. You should never feel that any workout is too easy. If you felt like you could do it no problem, that's a sign of time to increase your weight. Jeeze, could I repeat myself anymore? Tell me to shut up already! Oh my god, I'm typing & can't stop! LOL

The intensity series will have helped you to increase your strength & stamina. So, it is definitely time to increase your weights. LOL
Kelli - I 100% agree with Deborah. I experienced the same thing and have increased my wts on all exercises! I just did S&H chest the other day with increased wts and ooooohhhhh baby!

Good luck!
you are right - i guess i was just in disbelief that I actually increased my muscle strength! I think it's those pyramid tapes! :) well, those and the rotation with more weight work in the past I've only done each body part ~2 times per week but with the Muscle Endurance/Cardio/Cardio&Wts/PLB/PUB/Bootcamp rotation, I'm working them more than ever....and I think that's what really 'jolted' them!

Sometimes it takes others pointing out the obvious to us to make us see what was always right there in front of us. I know I need it sometimes!

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