Several questions about endurance (long)


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-02 AT 03:15PM (Est)[/font][p]Cathe or anyone else that can help me...
I don't know if this is unusual or not but I did Slow and Heavy and could lift almost as heavy as Cathe. I did CTX and Power Hour and have to use very light or no weights. On LL I used 8 lb dumbbells at first and by the end of the tape could not complete the sets even when I used no weights at all.

I have no need to build more muscle. I have a muscular appearance but have no idea where to go from here. My goal is to increase my endurance - any weight loss would be an added bonus but it is not my focus at this time. I know the rules about changing routines to shake things up but how do I go about increasing my endurance?

How long can I use CTX and Power Hour? Do I use them until I can lift as heavy as Cathe or do I need to stick 3 weeks of S&H in there every once in a while to confuse my muscles?

Should I use 3 lb weights and increase my weights as soon as I can complete the whole tape or use my heavier weights and drop them when I become fatigued?

Will strength endurance workouts increase my cardio endurance? Edited to clarify that when I say 'increase my cardio endurance' I am speaking of being able to run longer or bike longer. I can't run or bike for long periods of time because my legs fatigue, not because my lungs can't take it.

Does anyone have any rotation ideas or personal experience that can help me? I have most of Cathe's workouts. Thanks in advance.
I am in the same situation exactly. I can do Slow and Heavy and Pure Strength, usually at Cathe's weights and sometimes a bit higher, but Power Hour completely exhausts me, even when I use no weight at all for the lunge sequence. I always have this problem with endurance type tapes and wonder, as you do, what and whether I should do anything about it. No help from me, here, but at least you're not alone.
Me too. I shocked myself when I matched and sometimes exceeded Cathe's weights in S&H. I have never done all the reps for lower body in Power Hour or LL. I am amazed at those that use 35-55 lbs. I'm in very good shape so can only wonder if we're all just different? I will say that I enjoy strength workouts over endurance, but I still enjoy both.


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