Selling Cathe Videos

I have a few that I have purchased that are just beyond me.
What are your suggestions for selling these priceless wonders.
Thanks, Lisa ;-)
I don't think Cathe would mind a couple vids being sold really but I could be wrong.

I was going to say are you sure you won't grow into them. I've purchased some that were ahead of me and I grew into them. Cathe's vidoes are priceless treasures so may want to think of that, but, then again maybe you already did!
Dearest Bootyquake and others,

The reason that I did not state what videos I had or how much I thought they were worth was to simply find out what proper protocall was on this forum.
It was not my intent to offend anyone especially Cathe herself whom I greatly admire. I was only searching for an avenue to find these great videos new homes.
My appologies to any and all who have been offended by my post.

The Lords Little One

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