self esteem/trust issues???


I've been dating a guy for the past month who has been really great but I keep going into freak out mode every so often if I don't hear from him, etc. For eg. he didn't call me from Monday night this week but called last night and we made plans for the weekend. I was thinking the whole week he didn't want to see me but on Thursday night he's telling me he hadn't made plans for the weekend because he was waiting to talk to me first. He wants to spend all weekend with me. I think I've got trust issues from all the other jerks I've dated periodically and am always waiting for the other shoe to drop or the guy to act up, etc. Can anyone recommend any good books etc. to help me out? I don't have time or money right now for therapy.

Now don't take this wrong! Your guy may be really great. But every woman should read "He's Just Not That Into You" by Greg Behrendt (sp). Just helps you see clearly.

Have a fun weekend!

Bella :)
Hey. #1 Fill your life first, do not wait on him. If anything, remember that and you won't deal with the monday/thursday/when-will-he-call drama!

And, I always say therapy is my #1 choice, but I know it's expensive. Maybe you could research a therapist who uses a sliding scale (b/c if you don't make a lot, you can't pay a lot!).

A little more in general for dating ~ I tend to jump to conclusions way too soon. However, I find myself doing well in all areas of life when I give to myself. Period. And, no, that's not selfish. What I mean is making sure to fill my life up with fun, nurturing things. Great friends, fun/interesting plans, projects ~ basically committing to things I love and at the same time not spreading myself thin. Remember you can't depend on other people (men, family, friends) to fill your life. You fill it first with your own ideas, and I swear it's so attractive that others can't help but want to be invited into your life. Then, you can give and take.

I also think you have to remember the humanity in dating. No one is perfect (you might read things the wrong way, he might "really" have had other plans, you might have had a bad day, he might have had a bad day). Communication is key once you get serious. If it's a light relationship, just a new blossoming one, I wouldn't take things too seriously. Stick to your guns. Keep filling your life with your own exciting things. Then, slowly, let things progress when that trust builds.

That "light period" is when I disagree with the "He's Just Not Into You" concept. Save those "rules" for when the relationship is a little more serious. You can't jump to conclusions when you don't know each other that well, and that truly takes time. But, again, if you've already filled your life, when he calls too late on Thursday and you've got your weekend filled (and, yes, you should in the beginning), he'll eventually learn to step it up or...not. His loss.

And, on a lighter note, to add to your book list: "Why Men Love Bitches" by Sherry Argov -- it's a hilarious book while at the same time giving you real confidence. Here are a couple great quotes from the book: "This is me, in all of my splendor...and it doesn't get any better than this!" .... "She moves to her rhythm, not his, preventing him from taking control of her." .... "She is passionate about something other than him. When he feels he isn't the 'be all and end all' of her existence, it makes her more desirable."

Okay, I'm off my soap box! My own 2 cents of what works for me!

Take care.

He waits until *Thursday* night to make plans with you for the weekend, and then he wants the whole weekend? Why is he so cock-sure you are available?

If one of your girlfriends asked you on Tuesday to do something on Friday night, would you make plans or would you wait until Thursday to find out what he wants to do?

I had a hard time learning that I am better off by myself for the right reason than with someone for the wrong one.

I agree with the poster who said fill your life up first. If he wants to wait around until Thursday (which sounds like a passive-agressive power play to me) then he can miss out.

Susan L.G.
I just wanted to chime in to agree with Susan L.G. If I had a boyfriend who waited till Thursday to make weekend plans, I would say "I'm all booked up, but I think I can squeeze you in for Sunday brunch between 11 and 2 pm." And I would say that whether I had other plans or not. I'm not saying he's a bad guy or anything, I would just let him know that I'm not waiting by the phone. }( I don't love games, but sometimes you just have to play a game or two. No harm done.

Oh, and Newswoman, I just love your post. Beautifully stated.

I also agree with Newswoman, Susan, and Nancy.

By the way, Nancy is your avatar a picture of you as a baby, how beautiful.

Ann Marie
Aww, thanks so much Anne Marie. You are sweet. Yup,it's me. Tammy and Melody made me do it. :p :+

I just wanted to add, in case it isn't obvious, that the game thing is appropriate only in the beginning stages of a relationship. There is nothing wrong with a couple who has been spending every Saturday night together making plans on Thursday night.

I would also be genuinely happy to hear from him, and tell him I would LOVE to get together, and not be stand-offish at all. I would be genuinely sorry that there's not much room in my schedule, and go out of my way to squeeze him in on Sunday morning for a few hours. }( }( }( }(
Man, I sound so sneaky! }(
Some people are very busy and even though sometimes a phone call can take a couple of minutes they feel that it can go for more than that so they don't call. And there's also the stupid games some people play where they don't call too much because they want to appear busy even if they're not. Regardless, I hate when someone calls me at the end of the week to make plans for that same weekend. My friends know that if they do that I'm going to say no. They have to tell me at least a week before. I mean if it is going out for lunch or anything like that they can call me a few hours before, but going out at night or going away for a weekend takes planning and my friends know they have to tell me in advance if they really want me to go. When I'm dating a new guy I always make sure to let him know how I feel about this. I can understand sometimes people don't have time or don't feel like calling you every single day, but calling me a few days before to make weekend plans is a definite don't in my book. If this bothers you too you have to let him know in a subtle way. I also hate games, but I like Nancy's idea. He'll know in the future to give you more time to plan for a night out or a weekend away and he'll call a few days earlier (not on Thursday).
Agreeing with Nancy and all the other "like thinkers".

Remember, it is YOU that controls how a man treats you. It is YOU that allows it... If you don't want to be called at the last minute, if you want him to take more of any interest week-long, don't go out with him at a drop of a hat! Let him know that THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! By doing what the others suggested, you are politely giving out the message that while you do genuinely like him, your life does not revolve around him. If men think your life revolves around them, they don't have to treat you a certain way because they know you will always be there no matter what. Haven't you ever heard of playing "hard to get". It works, within reason....

Don't compromise on what you want, your values. Like your other post, about men paying for dates. I am old fashioned and just simply feel that if a man asks me out he should pay. I'd pay for little things here and there and certainly pay for things now that we are married!;-) but I never let him feel that it was OK for him to just not have any money when we went out. BUT he got that message, he really liked me, and he could tell I wasn't just a "money grubber". We got married! I dated all kinds of guys before I got married. Most of them were losers. But the moment they fell below my expectations/standards of how I wanted to be treated I kicked them to the curb. If you feel a certain way about how you want to be treated.....even if you think it is selfish or wrong or whatever.....don't compromise, don't lower your standards. If you do, you will always be dissapointed and unhappy!! You have to portray some self confidence and self respect. Guys pick up on that! I know you are lonely and I know that feeling where you just want to go out and have fun and have somebody like you but beleive me, it is not the quickest way to true love. The right guy WILL come along as long as you be yourself, stand up for what you believe in, and don't compromise if the issue/behavior is very important to you. That also saves you time cuz the losers get the hint right away and you can move on the the next best prospect.

I do think some books on self esteem would help you. It seems you are suffering in this area. It is this that is at the core of your relationship issues. I don't have any recommendations but your library will have tons I am sure.

Good Luck to you! I hope things get better...:)
I have been getting emails from Christian Carter. Don't remember subscribing to this, but has some good information. Here is some of it. I don't know if it helps or not.

Have you ever had a man break up with you
and you felt it was because he was "afraid
of commitment", or that he just wasn't "ready"?

Or maybe you've been in a relationship with
a man who didn't leave... but inside you knew
he wasn't really as committed or involved as
you were and it caused all kinds of tension and

If you've ever been in this kind of situation
with a man, then you know how it feels to become
less and less certain and satisfied as you spend
more and more time and energy on your relationship.

I'm about to share with you how you can
completely AVOID this painful and frustrating
situation in the future... and turn around any
current relationship with this same kind of
dynamic going on.

First, let me ask you something important-

Do men really just not like being in open,
loving, committed relationships with women?

And are men really and truly afraid of

Well, here's something fascinating I want
you to think about...

Like most women, I'm sure you've seen the
situation where a man was totally convinced that
he was happy being a single bachelor...

But when the right woman came along, it's as
though EVERYTHING changed in an instant.

All the old beliefs the guy had about being
single simply went out the window.

And all of a sudden he was completely taken
with the idea of being with this one woman.

It was HIM who was the one "courting" and
pursuing HER, when he had sworn to remain single
and "free" days or weeks ago.

Give me a silent nod if you know what I'm
talking about and you've seen this happen.

It seems certifiably crazy, right?

Why is it that men change their minds so
quickly and so radically?

And why can't they be more consistent, more
honest, and know what they want?

The reality is that when most men are acting
"unavailable" or not "ready" for a relationship
it's often NOT because they are afraid of a
real relationship or COMMITMENT.

I know, I know. I can just see you rolling
your eyes in frustration right now because you've
seen so much "proof" in your life that men really
are afraid of love and real relationships.

I want you to suspend your disbelief here for
a second in order to see things from a new and
improved perspective.

I'm about to show you why this is true AND
let you in on exactly what you can do about it
to change your love life for the better forever.

Here's the thing...

The fact that a man can be CERTAIN that he
doesn't want a relationship or a commitment with
one woman... and then weeks or months later turn
180 degrees and become deeply committed with
another woman proves that there's something else
going on here.

Give me another nod if you know what I'm
talking about here and you've seen this common
situation with men as well.


And now I'm going to give it to you straight
as a man...

Could it be that when a man acts completely
uninterested in a real relationship, or doesn't
want to commit, that maybe... just maybe...
it has NOTHING to do with his fear of commitment?

What if is SOMETHING ELSE entirely?

Think about it for a second...

When a man physically leaves or emotionally
withdraws from a relationship, the common response
most women have is to think of all the reasons
why he did this and what it means about HIM.

Here's a few common examples of this kind
of thinking:

"He's got commitment issues."

"He's just not emotionally mature."

"He's not ready."

"He was intimidated by me and afraid of the
real love we have."

"He still needs to go out and play with other
women before he'll be able to be with one woman."

If you're like LOTS of women I've known and
talked to, then you've have had these same
thoughts when one of YOUR relationships was in
jeopardy or ended.

The REAL TRUTH is that when someone pulls
away from or leaves a relationship, BOTH partners
play a role.

And sure... guys can and do ACT afraid of
commitment, pull away emotionally, and do things
to make a more committed relationship difficult.

But this doesn't mean that the way they ACT
is the whole truth.

Just like how you can be fighting mad with a
man or upset with him, even though you love him
so much and actually want you two to be closer.

In other words, a man's emotional responses
and behaviors, such as being distant, afraid of
the future, or acting indifferent is just one
part of how a man FEELS when he's around you.

Men are emotional too - just in different
ways and at different times.

So where am I going with all this?

Here's where I land the plane...

I'm about to reveal a surprising truth that
might sting.

It's like a shot from the doctor - it'll hurt
for a few seconds, but it's good for your health.

Here's the "shot"...

Most women play a huge part in DRIVING MEN
AWAY from perfectly good relationships.

Of course, if you are one of the women who
does this, you usually have little or no idea
that you're doing this.

your part in pushing a man away because you're
too busy thinking that all your words, emotions,
and actions are supposed to be bringing a man
closer to you.

And you behave in sublte ways that, little
by little, push the man farther and farther

One of the most common ways that women do
this is by constantly identifying MISTAKES a
man is making, or ways that a man makes them
UNHAPPY, and pointing these out all the time,
over and over, without prompting or warning.

Think for a minute about what this makes a
man THINK and FEEL about you, your relationship,
and about himself...

I'll give you a few minutes to think about
this and the impact of it in your relationships.



See anything important going on?

Anything that might make a man feel MORE
AFRAID of your relationship, or MORE FEARFUL of
his ability to make you feel good, and thus
feel good about himself as your partner?

Well, what if there were just a few simple
steps, FIVE to be exact, that if you followed
would act like an INSURANCE POLICY against ever
driving a man away from you and making him less
interested in a future with you?

And what if you could actually share MORE
of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions within
these 5 simple steps... and as a result bring
the man in your life closer to you?

What if you could double or even triple the
likelihood of a quality man "sticking around"
long enough to create a solid, exciting,
authentic, secure relationship full of passion
and connection?

I'm here to tell you that there REALLY IS a
simple 5 step process for allowing an amazing
relationship to blossom in your life.

There is a process that will keep men from
pulling away from you and instead invite them
in naturally and almost effortlessly by use of
the power of your emotions and the attraction
that a man feels for you.

You've seen other women enjoy fulfilling
relationships... and now it's YOUR turn.

Here's exactly how to find out about these
five amazing and crucial steps, and how to
reconnect with a man regardless of where your
relationship might have veered off path to...

I just wrapped up a POWERFUL new interview
with a woman who shared her five step process
for attracting and keeping an incredible man in
your life.

This woman is the REAL DEAL.

She's in a class by herself.

She's DIFFERENT in that she's not just
some "expert" giving advice on dating and
relationships... but she's really and truly
LIVED what she teaches.

I don't know if you've noticed or not, but
there's quite a few self-proclaimed "guru's"
out there who call themselves relationship

They may have interesting IDEAS... they may
be great at coming up with flashy THEORIES...
but few of them have the EXPERIENCE to back
them up.

Well, the woman I interviewed this month
isn't like that at all.

She has the EXPERIENCE of living through a
downward spiraling relationship with her own
husband and struggling through what seemed like
an "unfixable" marriage... only to find her own
way to TRANSFORMING her marriage into a beautiful,
thriving, passionate, joyful and secure bond
that keeps her and her husband excited to be
with each other every day.

And best of all ? she transformed her
relationship in just a FEW WEEKS.

10 days to be exact. (Forget about spending
years with a therapist ? this is the "short-cut"
to the relationship you want)

Notice I said, "SHE transformed her

She didn't wait for her husband to fix things
for her by telling him what was wrong or trying
to convince him that he didn't "get it".

This amazing woman recognized her own strength
and power to TRANSFORM her relationship with
her own two hands (and heart and mind).

She didn't have to argue and try and CONVINCE
her husband to behave differently.

In fact, she didn't have to rely on her
husband AT ALL to improve the relationship.

But she didn't have to do all the "work"
herself either.

(Hint - she learned about and started to use
the natural "mechanics" of relationships that
are powerful and effect us all on their own)

Once she followed the 5 simple steps ? and
stopped behaving in a way that drove her
husband away ? he almost INSTANTLY changed his
entire attitude toward her.

He began doing all those considerate things
women know that only a man who is truly thoughtful
and cherishes a woman does.

Oh, and she said the intimacy, and even the
sex, was reignited in the blink of an eye once
everything else was back in "alignment".

All this by following the 5 steps she found
to turn around the great relationship she had
that was just in a terrible "slump".

Once she figured this out, she learned how
to put an end to driving the man she loved and
who loved her away.

Of course, she wasn't at all sure if what
she learned would work in other situations, for
other men and woman.

But she couldn't help but share what she
had learned and experienced... and lead other
women to recapture the joy and love that she
had in her life.

So when other women used her 5 steps and
transformed THEIR relationships, she knew for

As you can probably guess, it's no surprise
that the interview I did with this special woman
turned out to be INCREDIBLE.

I can't wait to have her share her amazing
insights and steps to tranformation in any
relationship with you.

Of course, not only did she describe in
detail her 5 step process, but she went WAY
beyond that and "spilled the beans" on everything
it takes to attract and keep Mr. Right.

Here are just a few of the fantastic tips and
strategies she shared:

-It's easy to blame your partner for causing
problems in a relationship, and most of us
aren't willing to look inside to see what role
WE play in creating the issues. Scary but
true. Here's are easy steps to mend your
relationship, and help a man be all he can be
with you, without being "at fault" and making
things worse off for you.

-A quick way to tell the difference between
a man who will string you along and eventually
dump you, and a man who is emotionally
mature and ready for a long term, mutually
satisfying relationship

-The simple shift you can make TODAY that
can make an INSTANT shift in your man's
behavior (This is EXACTLY what you should
do if you want a deeper level of intimacy,
better sex, and better emotional connection
with your man. It works like MAGIC.)

-What if you could find Mr. Right in your
CURRENT relationship? Here's the steps to
discover if this is a possibility for you and
your current partner, or with your NEXT
partner if you're not in a relationship.

-The 5 keys to creating a lasting, passionate,
heart-connected relationship with an incredible
man. (She lays out these principles in such
no-nonsense, easy to understand language,
you definitely don't want to miss it!)

-Do you come from a FEMININE or MASCULINE
place in your relationships? Most women THINK
they behave in a feminine way, when in truth
they're trying to "be the man" in the
relationship when a man isn't pulling his weight
in one or more areas. Here's why you MUST know
what style you use in your relationships... the
answer may surprise you (Just because he's a man
doesn't mean he'll take the masculine role, nor
you the feminine. Here's how to make a conscious
choice so you COMPLEMENT his energy, rather
than COMPETE with it)

-Why it's so easy to feel that your man is not on
your "team", and how to bring him over to your
side with hardly ANY EFFORT at all

-It's a fact: Society bombards women these days
with pressure to be masculine by running not just
their careers, but households, families,
schedules, etc. Here's the secret to getting
deeply in touch with the strength of your feminine
energy, while also staying that "softer" girl who
is so disarming and ATTRACTIVE to men)

-It's amazing how often the universe will give
you something when you "lean back" and create
the space for something wonderful, rather than
forcing it or creating pressures by demanding
and asking for it. Here's how to relax and
finally accept a wonderful man into your life,
by LETTING GO. You'll be amazed at how you can
do this and how intoxicating it is for a man
to start DOING for you under his own free will

-Why it's so easy to get sucked into helping your
man organize, make decisions, etc., and why this
is like TOXIC POISON to a relationship. (Plus ?
what you can do instead to respect his autonomy
and draw him even CLOSER to you)

-Most women make excuses for men who leave,
like "he was afraid of commitment" or "he never
expressed his emotions". The reality is that
most women DRIVE MEN AWAY - and the saddest
part is they don't see the role THEY play in
destroying the relationship. Here are 3 things
you should NEVER do if you want a man to stay
attracted, connected, and crazy about you

-The dark side of giving TOO MUCH in a
relationship. (Hint: Men love to give, so to keep
a relationship healthy you must stop giving
enough to create the space for HIM to give to
YOU. Here's how...)

-Many women unconsciously choose
emotionally-closed men as an excuse not to
be vulnerable in relationships. Here's a
step-by-step process to attract and open
yourself to a relationship of deep connection,
incredible intimacy, and true friendship.

-How to get out of your head and into your
feelings at any given moment (and why this
one simple exercise can make you

How to establish healthy boundaries around
SEX ? and why it can make or break a relationship
from Day 1 (Most women get "hormonally hooked"
by sex ? and it's all downhill from there. Here's
how you can avoid this deadly mistake, and at
the same time create more intimacy and DESIRE.)

-And much, much more...

I'm telling you.. this interview is PACKED
with easy to use tips and insights that will
quickly bring results to you and your love life-
whether you're single, dating, or in a relationship
and looking to improve things.

Take any one of the many tips or ideas from
this Interview, and you could change everything
about how your interactions with a man will turn
out and the relationship you create for yourself
with a man.

If you want to not only KNOW what it takes, but
discover exactly what to DO to be the woman a man
instantly knows is "relationship material", feels
attracted to, and has NO FEARS or "hang-ups"
about committing to... then you have to hear
this interview.


This information can make a HUGE impact on your
love life right now.

I'm so excited about you hearing this interview
and improving your love life today, here's what
I'm going to do...

I'm going to release this interview as this
month's edition of my new "Interviews With Dating
& Relationship Experts" series.

For all the info on getting your copy of this
amazing interview, along with 2 other amazing and
no-cost bonus interviews, go here now:

If you're already signed up for my Interview
Series, sit back and relax. You'll be receiving
your copy of this Interview very soon.

If you're not.. then may I suggest that NOW IS
THE TIME to take action and improve your love life
not only now, but FOREVER.

Once you listen to this amazing Interview, I'm
100% sure that you'll be using the strategies and
tips my new friend shared to create and experience
a whole new way of being with a man you'll wish you
knew about years ago.

All just from listening and learning to this
interview and working with all the great material

And if you're in a relationship right now and
you're looking for a way to break through some of
the "emotional distance" between you two...

Then when you're done listening to this
Interview, you're going to recognize an INSTANT
IMPROVEMENT in your ability to allow yourself,
your relationship, and a man and HIS FEELINGS to
start to "flow" naturally and open up.

By the way, this amazing guest who shares
these simple but life and love changing 5 steps,
recently spoke at a Seminar I did here in Los

And of course she was AMAZING.

If you're interested, she'll be one of the
guests in my upcoming program:

"Communication Secrets For A Secure Relationship"

As you can tell by the title of this program,
it's chock-full of all my best new ideas and
insights for communicating with a man in order
to build an open, lasting, secure relationship
that is endlessly fulfilling to you and the man
you're with.

I'll drop you a note about it in December when
it's ready for you to check out.

I'm also going to be releasing the other
powerful new program I created recently called:

"Ready For Love"

This program is all about getting YOU, as
a woman, to the right place in your heart,
mind, and body... and move past the fear and
insecurity that can often work against you with
men and in relationships.

If you've ever recognized that there was
something that YOU were doing, or a recurring
negative or destructive emotional challenge
that keeps you from getting close and creating
a truly loving and lasting situation with a
man, then this program is going to change your

I'll send you a note about this program too
when it's ready next month in November and
you can check it out free for 30 days, just like
with all my programs.

Anyways, here's what you need to know now...

This particular interview is set to "go to
press" immediately and ship out to the many women
who are already signed up and benefitting from my
Monthly Interviews.

And that's why you'll need to be on board by
THIS Sunday, October 8th at Midnight PST to get
your hands on this Interview.

Trust me, you don't want to miss this Interview,
as I won't be doing another run of these. This
will be the one and only time I print and share
this Interview.

So now is your only opportunity to get yourself
a copy and listen, learn, and grow.

Oh, and I almost forgot...

When you let me know you want to check out this
interview, I'm also going to do a little something
extra for you.

First, I'm going to let you check out this
Interview absolutely free.

No pranks, gimmicks, or special tricks where
you have to peel off a sticker and mail it back
to me just to get what I promised you in the
first place.

That kind of stuff "irks" me too.

Simple let me know that you want to try out
this Interview and I'll ship it to you free to
let you try out for a full 30 days.

I'm also going to do something else special
for you, just to make sure this is worth your

If you sign up for this latest Interview right
now, I'm also going to send you a free "Starter Kit"
that contains 2 seperate fascinating DOUBLE-LENGTH
interviews (2 CD's each).

These are 2 other amazing and engaging
Interviews with 2 other FASCINATING experts you
won't want to miss hearing and learning from

By the way, I've chosen these 2 particular
interviews to send you and get you started for a

They are 2 of the best I've ever done... and
they too are going to get you on an amazing
learning and growth path in your love life.

These 2 Interviews are ON ME. They're for you
to keep at no charge, no matter what, just for
checking out this Interview.

Of course, as with all my stuff, if you get
these 2 Interviews and my latest Interview and
you DON'T like them after your full 30 days
listening to them and working with the material
inside (for some bizarre reason), then just let
me know and they'll be yours free of charge.

No reasons or excuses needed. Period.

If you don't get all the value you want out of
these Interviews, you won't pay a thing.

I'll let you keep the Starter Kit AND your first
monthly interview just to say thanks for giving
the program a fair shot.

There's nothing to lose here as long as you're
ready to take the time to DRAMATICALLY improve your
love life.

If you're at all interested in seeing INSTANT
IMPROVEMENT in your communication with men, and
how to keep them in your life, then I suggest
you go sign up now to get these interviews.

All the details, and some free audio samples
are available here:

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