I had to put my beloved little tabby cat down today. She was 18.5 years old and developed a very aggressive tumour in her nasal passage and started showing symptoms 8 weeks ago. She was starting to lose quality of life so I had to make the difficult decision before she started really suffering. It has been just me and her for the last 15 years, after I broke up with my ex, so it is just me now and I have a massive hole in my life. I can't eat or sleep properly and haven't felt like working out. There is no way I could complete a standard Cathe workout right now as I just feel too weak. Working out is important for me as I am Type 2 diabetic and exercise is an important part of my management strategy. I was hoping someone could tell me how they coped in a similar situation, what kind of workouts they did while grieving and how they got back into a normal workout routine.