Secret Clinical at Sam's Club



I went to Sam's Club for my weekly milk run. They are FINALLY carrying Secret Clinical. It was $14.88 for a 3-pack (two larger and one smaller). This was at the Sam's Club in West Jordan, UT. Here's hoping Costco will also start carrying it.

Now if I could just get in the habit of applying it a night--I have such trouble remembering.
Wow, that is cheap!

I'm in New England and my local Wallyworld had it for $7.49 per.

CVS had it for almost $10.00 so it pays to shop around.
Due to the high praise it received here on the open discussion forum I bought some. I had forgotten to put it on at night until last night. It did a GREAT I had to get up in front of the class to debate a topic, something that would normally be a big sweatfest for me as I get really nervous getting up in front of people and I stayed dry!
I didn't reapply in the morning, I just applied it at night and I had no problem with sweating during my debate!
you can also try a product called "certain dri." i think they have it at target for under three bucks.

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