Searching for Song used on Tabatacise DVD


I am on a search for the song used in Tabatacise DVD, Tabata 1. Love that song, so much fun to work out to, and I can't find it in the credits, on the Cathe website, or by doing a basic lyric search. Does anyone know what song that is?

They lyrics go along the lines of this, "If you love yourself, that's all that really counts, etc." Such an energizing song!

i'm pretty sure it's a soundalike of be yourself by audioslave.

(one of my favorites!):D

I also replied in the newest & upcoming forum.
I love that song! It gets me through the first round for sure. The soundtrack for all the workouts int his series are great, but Tabatacise has some of my favorites.

Thanks! I also really enjoy the music on Cathe's DVD's, much more compared to many others out on the market. Music is a big deal for me to stay motivated through hard workout combinations.

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