Screw My Head Off, Please

This thread is hilarious! Made my afternoon reading everyone's stories about their kooky relatives. :7 :7 :7 Thanks for the laugh, guys.
ETA: Missy, your MIL is outrageous! :7
Wow, I guess I have it easy! I just write a list and pass it out and then no one gets anything on the list and I go out and buy it myself the weeks after Christmas.

My fave? One year my Aunt in law (who, btw, is the only other person in DH's entire family who works out- she runs marathons regularly) had me for Christmas and I had asked for running stuff. (we always get her gift certificates to road runner sports, easy peasy right?)

I got a leather backpack. With a 6 pack of Diet Pepsi inside.

I only ever drank Diet Coke.

And the backpack? REINDEER LEATHER. Made from the hides of reindeer. For Christmas.

That was my last time ever expecting anything I like from his family!!! :eek: :+


OMG, Melody, you totally crack me up!
Shelley, you too! I totally understand about the gold crusty fruit!

My psycho SIL (it's all about *her* little "creative pharmaceuticals for better living" life- see previous rants!) gave me the most GAAWD-AWFUL sweater last year! HELLOOO, I live in Florida! I wear a sweater, what, *maybe* 3 days of the year??? It was hideous! Fortunately she left a gift receipt and I was able to exchange it for something that nicer. Even though mine was horrible, it couldn't hold a candle next to the sweater that she got from QVC that she gave TO HER OWN SISTER!!! All I can remember is that it was black and something pink threw up all over it and it looked like something out of an 80's Valley Girl Horror flick!

Ame- Yeah, I'd say that a Reindeer leather backpack at Christmas was a little crass!
...They dig in dirt, they laugh at farts...they watch Sponge Bob... of this sounds like my DH! I guess they never completely grow up, do they?? :p

"She's calling me the Christmas Stalker."
"My grandmother NEEDS a size large but is completely offended if you buy her anything other than a small."
"I'm really hoping she gets me another table centrepiece with crystal encrusted fruit and a gold cherub this year, because that's JUST SO ME!!!"
"I just write a list and pass it out and then no one gets anything on the list and I go out and buy it myself the weeks after Christmas."
"And the backpack? REINDEER LEATHER. Made from the hides of reindeer. For Christmas."
"All I can remember is that it was black and something pink threw up all over it and it looked like something out of an 80's Valley Girl Horror flick!"

I'm ROFLMAO. This stuff is priceless. :7
>"Screw my head off, please"
>I guess my mind is in the gutter, but I thought this post
>would be about another subject completely}( }(

ROTFLMAO...I sooooo wish it had been about ^^^!

Crap!!! I start what turns out to be a hilarious thread and then have to be gone all day and night. You people are too funny. It is always reality that is the funniest.

BTW, when I finally got home at 1AM there was ANOTHER message from my mom. Seems she cannot find a dam* thing I suggest and would like for ME to shop and get something for the boys and give her a total and she will send a check. HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO...I just stayed out until one freakin' o'clock AM completing my Christmas shopping. Ain't happening mommy, ain't happening. Ooooooooo, second thought...I could order expensive gifts online, use overnight shipping to get them here for Christmas, and THEN give mom the total.}(

Y'all, I love my mother I really do. But she is a southern belle and it takes 5 minutes for each and every word to leave her mouth. While on the phone with her I can drink like an entire bottle of wine and eat a bag of tortilla chips with guacamole, then have chocolate and she is still talking! (And she never notices my crunching or slurred speech.) No, I do not talk sloooooowly...the southern accent, a given...but I talk at a bazillion miles per hour.

And yes it is 3:41AM and I am not sleeping.:p
I gave my nephew, a big fan of flatulance, a fart machine for Christmas. He laughed until he early peed himself. He had fun trying to figure out which of the gifts was farting under the tree.
One year he and his brother had so much fun fighting (that's a bit of sarcasm) I bought them both bxing gloves.

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