SCREAM if you wanna hear more....


...on the dance floor.

Just had to share, since that song has been buzzing around in my head---it's called and "ear worm," from the German term for it---since I woke up this morning! Good thing I like it.:)
I like that song, too. I also found myself singing along to Cathe singing "You've got your right foot on; you've got your left foot on..." and "Hello-here we are!" because I had to repeat that 3rd combo of HIS so much.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog:
>I like that song, too. I also found myself singing along to
>Cathe singing "You've got your right foot on; you've got your
>left foot on..." and "Hello-here we are!" because I had to
>repeat that 3rd combo of HIS so much.

OMG, Lainie, me too! I had to repeat that segment a bunch of times as well and now I find myself saying that part with Cathe too! How cute is she when she says "Hello, here we are!!" ????


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