Scorch Fat and Work Up a Serious Sweat – All Without Jumping.


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Low Impact HiiT Two-5520.jpg

Low Impact HiiT Two is a 30 minute metabolic conditioning workout that is high energy, but also low impact. This is a great formula for those of you who still want an advanced kick butt workout, but need something less stressful on the knees and joints.

One advantage of doing high-intensity interval training is the after-burn, or increased calorie burn, you get afterwards. This happens because your body has to expend more energy after an intense workout to bring your body back to its resting state. You can get an after-burn with low-impact workouts too when you combine intervals of low-impact, high-intensity cardio with metabolic weight training exercises or bodyweight exercises that work multiple muscle groups. A current example of this is my Afterburn workout from my Low Impact series. With minimal rest between intervals, you’ll scorch fat and work up a serious sweat – all without jumping.

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