

New Member
Cathe, I am hoping you see this and can help me.

I have recently discovered your workouts on FitTV. I don't think I even have to say this but I am now a big fan! I love the Cardio Blast, kickboxing as well as Boot Camp. I am a 30 year old female and was told at age 12 that I had a mild case of scoliosis. At this present time, my curve is at 37 degrees. Surgey is not an option because it is to risky. I was told the best thing to do for me for the pain is to work out so that is what I have been trying to do. I have 2 questions, is it okay to continue to do your workouts? I have also started your Core Max shows on FitTV. Due to my condition, I was told by my doctor that I will never have defined abs because of my spine, is this true and if so, is there anything that I can do to even come close to looking in the mirror and not feeling disappointed?

Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your time!

I also have slight scoliosis. just found out when I had to go to a chiropractor for si joint pain.

I do Cathe's strength workouts all the time without much modifying. I don't do her step because of complex choreography.

I don't have the ripped abs but I think that is more along the lines of clean eating, but I will be the best I can be.

I hope everything works out for you.

Cathe is awe-inspiring.

I have a fairly pronounced case of scoliosis combined with a noticeable rotation of my hips and a leg length discrepancy of almost 2". I was advised by my physical therapist some 25 years ago to always keep my core strong or I would suffer major back pain. I've definitely found this to be true, and when my core is strong I can do virtually any kind of cardio and weight training (including all of Cathe's workouts and I am a high-intensity, high-impact junkie) completely pain & problem free. I should emphasize though that I would not do any high-impact cardio or any weight training without having a strong core. For example, I would never hold dumbbells or a barbell on my shoulders or back for leg work if I wasn't absolutely sure my core was very strong. I do a lot of core work - pilates, yoga, ball work, weighted core work, planks & pushups, etc. - at least 3 times a week to make sure my core stays strong. Also, I do not have defined abs because I have never been able to lose enough weight for them to show through! I do not attribute this to my scoliosis though, just my own lack of diet discipline.
I also have scoliosis, an S curve. My top curve is apprx 45 degrees and my bottom curve apprx 55 degrees. I wore a brace in Jr. High and my Dr. recommended surgery. For me that wasn't an option. I found that when I exercise regularly I don't have any pain and I feel less "crooked." As far as abs, you can definately have defined abs with scoliosis. For my honeymoon I had a very solid 4 pack all from Cathe. Swimming has also helped tremendously. My right shoulder comes forward from the curve but swimming strenthens my shoulders so much that it pulls back to the point that it isn't noticeable, and the water seems like it really stretches out all of my back musles. I recently found an interesting yoga dvd on the internet that I may buy at Good luck.

How old are you scoliosis sufferers? I'm into my 40s now and I'm noticing a lot more pain, a lot more of the time. Tell me you're my age, and that I can get past this!!! :)

FWIW, I do have defined abs (hi original poster!) but I also have hip and lower back pain.
As vidfan said I am concentrating more on my core than anything else right now. I will add core work on any workout I do now. I always used to skip ab work as it is not my favorite body part to work. I have noticed a marked improvement in my nagging hip pain as well as a more shapely midsection. I do alot of stability ball work as well as planks now.

BTW I am 41

I'm not Cathe, but I have scoliosis as well. I have just posted a picture of my back where you can see the curve and my lean (such is life..LOL). My doctor was shocked to learn that I have absolutely no back pain. I believe it is because I do a lot of core work (Pilates Reformer) and exercises with the the stability ball.

Robin :)
I'm 48 and have had absolutely no pain or issues since I started working out consistently 3 years ago. I've found Pilates especially beneficial as I've gained a half inch in height since incorporating it once a week into my workouts.

I am 38 and also have scoliosis. An s curve the degrees of curvature I can no longer remember. 30 something for both. I wore a back brace for 3 years from ages 11 to 14 I think. I have been working out (on an off pretty hard core) for over twenty years, and have never felt like I have had to make any modifications due to scoliosis. I do not get back "pain", but occasionally by my upper curve get a feeling like my back needs to crack. I can't imagine why scoliosis (particularly a mild case) would affect abdominal definition, if the abdominal musculature is in place and strong and fat tissue is minimal, your abdominals will show. I have great respect for the medical profession, as a whole; however, doctors don't always know what they are talking about.

I am 39 and also have scoliosis. I wore a brace also for about 5 years (hated it!!). I believe back then the doctors were also saying women with scoliosis shouldn't bear children, well those doctors would be surprised to hear I have had 4!
Now the only time I have ever had "back pain" is when I had gained weight, about 60 extra pounds. As soon as I started exersizing and losing the extra, no more pain.


BTW, Thank YOU Cathe! It is a pleasure to work out every day with you!! Your work outs have been instumental in my fitness success!
Thank you so much everyone for giving me hope! I was also given a brace to wear but refused to wear it. If I had know then what I know now, I never thought I would be saying those words but it is true. I now regret not listening to my doctors. I work out hard, 6 days a week and try to eat well but still do not have the definition in my abs that I had hoped to have. I guess I have to take another look at my diet.

Thanks again everyone! It is nice to know that someone out there knows what it's like!

Robin, you look great! Thanks for the hope!

Any tips for the core or maybe eating tips?

By the way, scoliosis must be a March baby thing, my birthday is also in March. :)
>Robin, you look great! Thanks for the hope!
>Any tips for the core or maybe eating tips?

Tips....ah, without question...Cathe's Coremax ;-)!!!


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