

I have a question for all of you moms. Monday and tuesday of this week I was spotting. Tuesday it had turned into clots, so I went in for an ultrasound, everything was pretty much normal from what they could tell. I'm 7 1/2 weeks along now. I'm due back in on Monday, but last night I passed a large mass of red stuff (don't know what it was). I have since slowed down to just spotting and it is light pink again. Has anyone had a miscarriage or had something like this happen where the baby was fine? The doctor said that there is nothing that they can do until Monday when I have another ultrasound to see what might be going on. She also said that that may have just been a blood clot and to call her if I start to bleed heavy again.

Hi Kathy,
This exact thing happened to me during my pregancy with my son. I woke up one morning with large dark red clots, and I was hysterical. We went for the Ultrasound and saw a heartbeat. I couldn't believe he was ok. I went on bedrest and continued to spot for 3 months. It slowed down a lot and turned pinkish. I will keep you in my prayers.
They said they didn't know what caused it, but he was full term and healthy. Let us know how you do on Monday.
RE: (((Kathy))))

Dawn, thank you so much! You have made me feel a lot better. I hope that I won't be put on bedrest, but if it means that my baby will survive I think I could handle it.
I will keep you all informed how Monday goes.
RE: (((Kathy))))

Something similar happened to my friend. Turned out she had placentia previa (the placenta is covering the cervix. She was closely watched during pregnancy and ended up with a c section but today her healthy daughter is 2!

My thoughts are with you, please post on Monday to let us know what happened.

There are lots of things it could be and many of them include a healthy baby. Try not to freak out until you see your Dr. I would however take it easy and skip workouts until you see the Dr. for advice.

RE: (((Kathy))))

Oh how I feel for you. It is such a scary thing to have
happen. Both times I was pregnant, I bled for the first
three months. Just like your describing. Mine occurred
when my period was actually due. With my first pregnancy
I was watched very carefully and during the third month the
bleeding was horrible, clotting and all. I was told to go
home and put my feet up and NOT to exert myself in anyway.
It was just such a horrible, desperate time for my husband
and I. Luckly both pregnancies went on to be very normal and
have two very beautiful children. My prayers are with you.
Please post on Monday.

I suffered a miscarriage 4/15/02 (VERY early-at 5.5 wks)but then conceived 7/02 and at 5 wks I once again spotted-very similar to what you describe...of course I freaked-went in, had an ultrasound and labs and everything seemed to be on track. I continued to spot on and off until end of 9/02 and because of this (despite the fact that serial ultrasounds were normal)my doc advised me not to work out-ONLY because I am on my feet all day the way it I didn't do any tapes, but stretched and continued with normal daily activities and I'm happy to say that I delivered a beautiful little boy 3/15 without any further complications.
It's very scary but try to stay calm and keep us updated!
I had some spotting with my last pregnancy. No clotting, just spotting. My doctor said that usually when you are going to miscarry, you will have very bad cramping. I have heard of women still getting their periods while they were pregnant. My doctor told me exactly what yours told you, there is nothing they can do but wait. It was very frustrating, but I carried with no problem. They did say that you can bleed while pregnant for many reasons....still very frustrating. The clotting would freak me out as well. That does sound scary....I agree. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and look on Monday to see if you have posted yet.

Well, just so you all know, I did stop bleeding yesterday afternoon, it hasn't returned as of yet. I will still let you know what happens on Monday. Thank you for all of your support.
Oh, don't worry about the working out thing, I haven' done that since I started to spot. I hope that I will be able to start again in the second trimester though! We'll see, it's a small sacrifice to make if I can't.
I am sooooo glad to hear that!!!:) I remember how you're just scared to even move. It's great that it stopped. We still want an update on Monday. Happy Easter to Mom and baby!
Well, I had my ultrasound yesterday, and I lost the baby. I will be trying again soon, so you will all hear from me in the other forums until then.
Thank you for all of your support, I really appreciate it.
Dear Kathy,
I am so very sorry. I know how sad you're feeling. I won't bother saying all those inane platitudes that people seem to want to say. It's perfectly ok for you to grieve for your baby as long as you need to. I had been thinking about you yesterday, and wondering how it went. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.
Take care,

I am also sorry about your loss. As Dawn said, take the time you need to grieve and in the WAY that you need to do it. My prayers will be with you also!
Kathy: I am so sorry! I had a miscarriage very similar to this a few years ago. It is very very hard even though it was relatively early on. Expect to pamper yourself for some time. It is a big fat bummer.

Hi Kathy,
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your child. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Hi Kathy,

I am so sorry. I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and my prayers are with you as well. I've been there and do know what it feels like. Give yourself some time and take care of yourself.



Sheila S. Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R)Fitness

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