Scary morning

That definitely is scary and suspicious. Your husband was very smart to not fall for it - though, I don't know too many people who would. Those subdivisions can be a bit confusing, but why was he walking around in there...and if he had a cell phone, why couldn't he have someone come pick him up?

Nobody in their right mind would ring the doorbell at of a stranger at 4:30 a.m. and ask for a ride. He was either high or up to no good. I'm sure he won't be back, but I'd report it anyway - just so the cops are aware of it, in case something happens somewhere else.
Wow, glad you guys are okay, but I would've called the police right then and there. They could have picked him up before he got too far away.

Stay safe!
Yes, I agree, don't open the door; you can hear him through the door, talk to him through the door if necessary. Too scary to think there might be no more Cynthia around to advise me on my endless CLX questions!
Wow that is a scary story. I would have been a nervous wreck. Thank god for your dogs. I am glad that nothing happen to you. I hope they get this creep:mad:
I just received a message from one of our subdivision trustees.

She asked me to call the police (we did). She said someone broke into our neighbor's house a few weeks ago. Another neighbor saw a guy that "appeared to be high" walking around. She said it sounds like the same guy. Ok, I'm officially scared!!

I have to admit, I leave my doors unlocked, a habit I need to break:eek:
OMG .. that was a definate scare .. and a definate RED FLAG!! Yes I would think the guy was up to no good .. and you're right .. your big baby probaby kept the guy from coming in ..... BE CAREFULL .. and GIRL .. LOCK YOUR DOORS!!

My brother is in law enforcement and has officially made me super paranoid .. but so much more aware of the possible dangers lurking in the darness and in plain sight. In todays world unfortunately we can not afford to have faith the other person is not going to do us harm .. err on the cautious side!!!

Stay safe!!
Glad you're safe. That would be very scary indeed. I was also in the bad habit of not locking my doors but DH put a stop to that. Now I double check just so I don't have to hear him lecture me on the danger of leaving them unlocked!
Next time.....

Early, 4:30am I wake up to my boxer Maximus growling. Next, I hear the doorbell ring and both boxers begin to bark like crazy. I went to the front door and a man was standing looking in the window.
I wouldn't open the door.:eek: It was pitch black outside and there was no way I was going to open the door to some strange man.
I had to get my husband out of bed. He thought the boxers were crying wolf. I told him, this was no false alarm!

My husband opened the front door and this strange man is asking for a ride out of our subdivision. It's 4:30, pitch black outside!
My husband refused. He told the man he was not willing to drive him anywhere. The man said he lived in the area, but was lost.:confused: My husband questioned his story. The man said he had been walking around for hours trying to find his way out of our subdivision. My husband told him how to exit, but refused to drive him anywhere. It was a risk my husband was not willing to take. The man would not take no for an answer, so my husband closed the door on him.
This strange guy stood on our porch screaming profanity.
I wanted to call the police, but my husband told me to hold off. The man left talking on his cell phone? WTH???

Honestly, I'm afraid he will return.
My husband thought he was high on drugs and was disoriented. Hopefully, he won't remember where we live.
I'm so thankful for my boxer Maximus. He scares the crap out of most strangers. The only reason he didn't this morning is because I held him back so my husband could talk to the man without our hell hound trying to get at him.

I still think I should call the police station and report the incident. I think I'll shoot an email to my subdivision trustees.

.....(which we hope never happens!) don't listen to your DH & call the police! That maniac could have done anything! I would call the police on anyone who rang my doorbell at 4:30AM!!!!!!!
Oh man, I wouldn't have opened the door, with or without my dogs/hubby...Yikes!

I'd definitenly report it so people can be on the look out, but it was probably a one time incident. NOT a great way to start the day....poor you.
Oh man, I wouldn't have opened the door, with or without my dogs/hubby...Yikes!

There is no way I would open the door. Your husband is brave. What if he had a gun or a knife.. I am glad you guys are okay and that you called the police. ALSO MAKE SURE YOUR DOORS ARE LOCKED!!!! This is a scary world.
DEFINITELY report it to the police (so it's on file). Hopefully he was just on drugs and disoriented -- in that case probably won't remember you or where he was. But, just in case, have that report on file so if something happens in the future, they will have documentation that this is not the first time. Trust me -- I work in the legal field -- cover all your bases!!


I'm so glad that you guys are safe. Very, very scary. I hope they catch this guy. Were the neighbors that got their home broken into there at the time? I hope not. That would have been awful.
My front entrance features a door with full-length glass, flanked by two sidelights and a transom overhead. I also live in a real bad neighborhood and have had several weird front porch encounters (which had me wishing I had a gun, the knowledge to use it, and a big dog... but I can get ghetto fast enough to scare the Hell out of anyone, and certainly have, which has been enough, thus far). I'm assuming you have a much more secure entrance than me or, at the very least, a front door that's NOT full-length glass. Having some experience in this area I say this with very real concern for you and your safety. NEVER EVER EVER OPEN YOUR DOOR TO A STRANGER, AT ANY HOUR. NEVER EVER EVER ALLOW YOUR HUSBAND TO OPEN A DOOR TO A STRANGER, AT ANY HOUR. In the future, if a stranger knocks at your door at an odd hour CALL THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY AND LET THEM DEAL WITH THE INDIVIDUAL(S) INVOLVED.

In this instance, you, your husband, or both of you, were being set up for a crime, possibly a very serious one (were they trying to get to him or were they trying to get him out of the way to get to you... or both?). The man had a cell phone and, after his little bit of theater at your front door, clearly had the wherewithal to use it. Thus, he was neither crazy nor desperate, hoping your husband would take the bait. In my neighborhood, just opening the door would have resulted in a tragedy on the evening news. Your stranger was no professional but it's not usually the professionals who push their way past someone trying to keep them out once the door has been opened a crack. You both are very lucky, especially since he probably wasn't working alone (who was that other person on the other end of his cell phone call?).

I'm glad you filed a police report. If you're friendly with your neighbors it might be a good idea to ask if they've seen anything unusual and get everyone on high alert and paying attention, especially since they're elderly. If you don't have a security system you may want to get one and invest in that great little key fob they offer that features a PANIC button. Since I've had my system (ADT, about nine years) I've accidentally hit the PANIC button on my fob once, in the daytime. I got 4 cops in two cruisers in about two minutes. Inadvertently setting off my alarm at night, when I went for a pizza after having set my alarm then, evidently, neglected to pull the door completely shut, netted me eight cops in 4 cruisers. As I stood on my porch with my pizza while the police searched my home, unsure if I'd accidentally set it off or if someone had, indeed, entered my house, I just closed my eyes and thought 'Oh no' as I heard the loud, familiar noise of a police helicopter coming over the tops houses across the street, shining it's spotlight, causing everyone to come out of their homes... It was a humiliating moment I was willing to endure for the peach of mind my security system offers. Hit your PANIC button, though, and it is The Fastest way to get the cops at your residence.

This is really worrying me. You should be concerned he/they may return. He/they already know someone in your home will open the door to a stranger. Not an accusation, just don't EVER do that again. I urge you to be very proactive (Hell, I urge EVERYBODY to be proactive!). Two big loud dogs is good, calling the police and tricking-out your home security even better. Be scared enough to act and you won't be sorry.

Please keep us informed of anything new because I'm really going to worry now.
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This is really worrying me. You should be concerned he/they may return. He/they already know someone in your home will open the door to a stranger. Not an accusation, just don't EVER do that again. I urge you to be very proactive (Hell, I urge EVERYBODY to be proactive!). Two big loud dogs is good, calling the police and tricking-out your home security even better. Be scared enough to act and you won't be sorry.

Please keep us informed of anything new because I'm really going to worry now.

I'm up at 3am because it has me very worried.
I talked with one neighbor who was robbed. He said this sounds very much like the set up before the crime.
A day or two before they broke into his house, they were testing the waters so to speak by knocking on the neighbor's door with odd request. No one thought anything of it. They seemed high and disoriented. Apparently, they have hit 5 homes in our subdivision, including our neighbor who is a coroner. He has his home and business near by. They hit both places.

One was arrested and is currently in jail. They are meth heads, which really scares me because they will do anything for drugs. Our subdivision is a target because we are considered upscale or the "rich" neighbors. I hate that, but that is how our subdivision is viewed by the surrounding neighbors.

My brother works for ADT, and we are going to have him come over to beef up our security. Our alarm is somewhat outdated. I never use it because I felt safe with my boxers. Maximus is territorial, and barks like an insane maniac anytime someone walks up our sidewalk. I now realize I'm not as safe as I thought. Drug addicts will do anything.

My neighbor said they steal electronics because they can be easily pawned. Well, my son drives a Gueek Squad home theater van and it is parked on our driveway a lot. We have a lot of electronics because of my son's job and interest. They would hit the jack pot if they picked our house.
Why the hell doesn't everyone in your neighbourhood already know about this? Why hasn't someone put the high alert out after the first one? Do your neighbours a favour and circulate a flyer to your entire subdivision describing the incidents - and why not try to get it on the news? Local news stations should eat this up!
YES CALL YOUR SUBDIVISON MANAGER AND NEXT TIME D0!!!!! call the police. the thing around here is they will prey on anybody that might opening the door ie)sweet elderly ppl that cannot defend themselves. bust in and rob them. home invasions are RARE in my city itself but we had one where the ppl opened the door and they busted in with shotguns. i was told to never open the door period and call the cops. even if they sound like they need help b/c they are using that ploy while somebody awaits in a blind spot to jump out and attack you. as stacey had posted.

on a note its damn shame i can't open my door when i think somebody is in trouble b/c they may not be a victim and trying to make me one. i am glad SO GLAD to hear this wasn't the case for you and that you are okay. i agree make this public knowledge and ppl up to know good will be to afraid to come back for at least a little while. it won't stop them but it will deter them so everybody has time to get a little more secure and educated. for the most part we live in a rough city they are trying hard to clean up though but its up to the community to have community watches and to not be afraid and call the cops b/c you do not have to give your name.


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