Say it ain't so!!!


Active Member
I was just looking at the latest pictures posted from the Hardcore series...the Kick Max photos...
Cathe looks doubt! In one of the pictures her face just looks "different." Is it the angle, or am I detecting plastic surgery? Not that I'm against cosmetic improvement--I would like to afford "a little something" in the future myself! It would surprise me if Cathe had it. Anyone else see what I thought I saw?
I am a big believer in plastic surgery -- so if Cathe did have surgery, I still will love her.

Perhaps it is because Cathe looks a lot thinner than before. In fact the entire cast of Cathe's latest and the Firm Sculpting System 3 look like they could use a good meal. I am all for lean bodies, but when the feminine curves begin to be replaced with jutting ribcages and collarbones, it is a sign of an eating disorder or a wasting disease.

Pam Cauthen of the FIRM looks just horrible. She used to be so cute, but now she looks like a skeleton.

I used to think NEVER about cosmetic surgery. My attitude changed as I aged.

My surgeon says I am not ready for a facelift yet, but in another 5 years -- at age 55 -- I will definitely consider the procedure.
Maybe it's just me, but it just seems really disrespectful and insensitive to be discussing such a personal and speculative question about Cathe on HER board.

Geez . . .
Aw, get over it, it was just an innocent question. People get excited about something new, they ask questions. It's not like we live in 1950's anymore. Anyway, no, it's not plastic surgery. They did a very good job of airbrushing the pictures to make Cathe and the gang look very young and vibrant. Even their skin looked flawless. They will look different in the dvd, more natural. I agree Cathe looked a lot thinner than the last set of workout she did. Probably stress. All in all, they look GREAT especially Jai. She looks better and better as she gets older. Wish I could look like that! :)
I kind of doubt she had anything done. I mean, Cathe seems pretty conservative in that regard to me. She doesn't even take supplements does she? She doesn't seem like the type who would go the plastic surgery route.
Anyway, it wouldn't bother me if she did. I think we had this talk once about Karen Voight, didn't we? Both ladies look awesome either way, so I don't care.
And if they did have surgery, at least it was done right. Wanna see some atrocious plastic surgery, go to
These Hollywood types really think they look good when in reality they are being laughed at like crazy behind their backs. Burt Reynolds....the guy looks Asian! LOL!!
T. :)
Will, I had to go back and re-look because I never noticed anything the first time - and this time - Ill have to agree, that its more to do with Cathe looking "leaner" this time round that has made her face look a little "sharper" and more "defined"
All Cathes Vids and DVD (along with ALL other fitness videos on the market) have been airbrushed to some extent - which is the norm - and not intended to full anyone - because we phycologically enjoy working out with "great looking" people. It motivates and encourages us.

After reading some of the posts from forum members to forum members, theres dozens of "Cathe questions"

Cathes "diet"
Cathes clothing size
Cathes height
Cathes tan
Hair colour/hair style
And Cathe being honest and open herself about her pregnancy and immediate family................etc etc etc , I dont think wondering weather she has had surgery is a big deal, or intended to be too personal. Its not as if you STATED that for a fact.

Cathe would absolutly LOVE this though. She looks SO GOOD, it MUST be surgery.

Do we need further proof that exercise and healthy eating pays of?

Burt Reynolds....the guy looks Asian! LOL!!
>T. :)

OHG I couldn't agree more on this one. That is a good one Trevor:).

Anyway I don't think Cathe had surgery IMO. I think they look awsome. I met Cathe last year and gosh she looked like a kid to me well not a kid you know what I mean just very young looking. I guess its all the excerise she does.
Some people just always look younger.My bosses daugther is tiny,and 23.She cut her bangs the other day and now she looks 10.When she turns 30 she will still look 20.Unless she is going to age like her mother.I think stress is the #1 reason people age.My boss looks like a piece of crap.But she brings it on herself.
I try not to stress about stuff b/c I don't want to look older before my time.
As for Cathe.I don't know if she had surgery or not.But lets face it...I think we come here so often that we sort of forget that she is a celebrity(in our eyes anyway).I always think of her as the girl next door b/c she chats with us so much and how often do we get to meet anf talk with celebritys?
I guess we will never know.But I can't say that I wouldn't do it either.
I think it would have to be the angle. I didn't see anything different in her face, other than what you'd normally expect on a woman her age. But, if you're truly not against cosmetic surgery - why would you title your post "say it ain't so"?

However, in referencing a "woman her age"...HOLY MUSCLES, BATMAN! I just can't believe how much her body responds to weights. I can lift a decent amount of weight, but my muscles just don't do that!
Why are some on his forum do critical of Cathe? Do you study her body parts? For crying out loud. Please for the love of God, let's get over the whole plastic surgery debate. Do we need to be so critical of Cathe. I believe she has worked hard to achieve her physique. Let's not analyze it to death. This is disrespectful and uncalled for. Leave the woman alone and enjoy what she gives us! I am willing to bet that there will be 50 posts regarding this thread, though I hope we are bigger than this. Move on!x( I am sorry Cathe even has to read this. Totally pathetic!
I could care less if Cathe had work done on her body or not. She is an awesome motivator, and besides how many other instructors out there comes close to Cathe and give us the results we have achieved? She is and will always be No. 1 in book}( }( }( . Heck if I had some extra $$$$ I would have my thighs worked on.

What most concerns me about this thread is how the leap can be made from someone looking a bit "different" to "they might have had plastic surgery!". I don't get it. There are so many other reasons. Lighting, what she's been eating, what she's been drinking, normal aging process, new skin care, stress, emotions at the time of filming ... the list could go on forever. Call me crazy, but I honestly don't see any difference in her face at all. I'll go take another look now because I'm a naturally curious person.

And, even if she did have something done, unless she chooses to tell us, it's none of our business anyway. Just my humble opinion ... of course.

I have to be honest here, Tesla and everyone. Speaking as a nurse, Kathy's face does not have any indications of cosmetic surgery. She looks the same to me in these pictures as she does in the Step Company DVD's, which were filmed earlier this year.

Maybe you could post your questions on the "Ask Cathe" forum so she can put your concerns to rest for herself?

Carol, how can you tell? Not everyone's plastic surgery is obvious.

I really don't think Cathe has had any surgery done. I don't even think she's that type either. I think she just got real thin her face looked more pulled back. She will look her old self again now the series is over. Stress can make you look tired, thin, etc. She taped 10 different things so it's not easy especially trying to please people who want everything from her.
Asking if Cathe had plastic surgery on her own web site is like going up to someone and asking ``Have you had plastic surgery?'' I wouldn't do that to anyone, not even a relative or close friend, unless they brought it up first. Seems mighty rude to me.
Zero Tolerance, yes it is if you know what to look for.

I agree. This whole thread makes me uncomfortable. I was actually being sarcastic when I suggested they go and ask Cathe herself. I'm going to stop posting on here now. Next thing someone will come along and ask me to explain why I think it's rude, or why the thread makes me uncomfortable! Good grief.

Adios to this thread.

Yes I agree!! I think it was rude thing to post:-( Cathe has WORKED so hard on this hardcore series!! I can only HOPE that Cathe does not see this """Say it ain't so""""" Thread!!!

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