Say it ain't so!!!

Wow..that really takes some brass b*lls to say something like that on Cathe's forum!! I wouldn't be so shocked if it was talked about in other forums or something, but Cathe's own. I think that took a lot of nerve asking that question!! If Cathe did have anything done then it is her business anyway. I agree Carol...this is a very uncomfortable thread!!


edited for typos
Agree with you totally inappropriate.. but look at the # of post by the folks doing it.. The old LOW number.. trying to stir things up....

Let's just ignore them..... they will soon go away unless we respond to them...
I didn't mean to be disrespectful or insensitive...really.
It was just one of those things I wondered "out loud" and probably shouldn't have...sorry!:(
Okay, IMHO, Cathe doesn't look "thinner, she looks more "cut". And someone mentioned eating disorder or wasting disease? Her beefy deltoids and biceps combined dispute that argument. You guys crack me up. Her body & face looked a little more ripped, probably because of the hard work she has put into this HARD CORE series.

I thought that's what we were paying for and eagerly anticipate, and if she were soft and rounded on the cover of a "HARD CORE"" series, I wouldn't buy it.

Sorry. I work with a bunch of women and it just never ceases to amaze me, the sly remarks they can make.

I really don't think Cathe looks any different other than way more buff, and she was already there anyway. It would not bother me anyway. I do not know why others feel the need to do this. I would hate to be an instructer feeling like every eye was looking to see every little lump or bulge that pops out and waiting to make comments. If it was most of us we would have severe personality disorders as a result. I just look forward to workouts and the motivation to help me keep at it.
Diane Sue
I think you all are getting off track here. It's just a comment about an observation someone made. And I don't see it as being rude. In fact, it could be taken as a compliment if you think about it.
The real issue is does it matter if she had cosmetic surgery. And I think the answer for most here is "no, it doesn't. It's her choice."
I mean, in a way, re-shaping your body through exercise and diet is similar, albeit less extreme, than cosmetic surgery. No?
Both are attempts to reach the same goal.
Cathe looks beautiful and fit!!!
Carol, I know there are tiny scars, etc in a lot of areas. What about Botox? Actually, I don't know if it's a true plastic surgery but you can't even tell if someone had a botox done if you don't know the person unless she had it done an hour ago from all the needle marks.
And here I thought botox was the easiest of all to detect. The people who have procedures done just want to believe that nobody can tell.
I don't mind anyone having plastic surgery. But it's an elective, unnecessary procedure and those are partly to blame for all those superbugs that are created. If anybody wants unnecessary work done go ahead, I just would deny them painkillers and antibiotics, let's save them for people who really need them.
I agree with Trevor, I don't think this was so rude of Tesla, and besides, she did come back into the thread and apologize.
I agree with Trevor also.I didn't think it was overly rude, but I knew that she was gonna get heat for this one.
If you didn't agree with the post then you didn't have to respond to it.Normally thats what I do.
It irratates me a little that people can't come here and say what is on their minds without someones hair rising on their backs.I think I would be flattered also if someone thought I had surgery.

There is no indication to me that Cathe has had plastic surgery (And if I thought so, I would be disappointed).. She's more cut, leaner, has less body fat, which makes her face look leaner. Also, people's faces look different from different angles.

I agree that this is a rather tacky question to bring up on Cathe's forum. But I also agree with those who bash people who post and who have a low number of posts. Very snobbish of you , IMO.
Actually I am kind of sorry that I posted on this. Being someone in low numbers has nothing to do with it. I just worry about the negative effect on instructors. I am sorry for you that this made such an impact. Cathe looks great and I am sure you meant it as sort of a compliment. You apologized and I for one would like to not see this up here anymore. I have seen much worse statements.
Diane Sue
Just because someone doesn't post as much, it doesn't mean their opinion is any less vauluable. I tend to post when I feel strongly about something or when I feel I can contribute. Nonetheless, I enjoy reading all of your posts and everyone else. That's why I check back just about everyday.

My whole deal is Cathe DOES NOT look like she has had work done. It's insulting, not an innocent question. That was a RUDE post. The first thing I thought was " Just when I thought she couldn't get any better.." Another though that went through my head is "she put a lot of hard work into this series...I can't wait to get my delivery."


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