Saturday's Damage Controllers!!!


Good Morning!:)

Not a whole lot happening here today. DH mentioned going out for breakfast but it is now 9:30 and he is still covered up in the sheets....don't know if he is in the world or out. So I can't see breakfast happening. Not that I care b/c I don't want to start my day off with grease!

Yesterday I felt alot better then the previous days. Would you believe that people are just starting to notice the 5 lbs I lost before Christmas? It almost seems as if the scale showed it but it took my body a while to catch up...if that makes sense. Anyway, whenever they ask me I tell them its b/c I have been using the washroom so much that last week:D Even DH's 84 yr old g-ma asked last night if I had weight gone. But the scale is holding steady at 120'ish. I find that when I tell people what I weigh they ease up on me a bit. I think they think I weigh 90 lbs so when I tell them what I weigh, and then they realize they only weigh 5 lbs more then me, they shut up. They don't realize the whole concept of muscle weighing more then fat and so on. Even when the Dr told me not to eat any dairy and then he said " but you probably don't eat ice cream anyway" :confused: 3 yrs ago when I was preggo I thought he was gonna put me on a diet! LOL

So I am going to disc 12 today and cardio. We are going to a hockey game tonight and then a party after wards but Im not going to drink. Maybe 2 drinks and that's it. I may buy something new to wear out though:p

Im going to read yesterdays thread to see what I missed!

Good Saturday Morning to Lori and all who follow!

Lori:: Enjoy the game and the party tonight! I love going out for breakfast but try not to do it often. Definitely won't be happening today as DH and DS are taking me out for dinner to celebrate the new job. With an excuse like that, I couldn't turn down the invitation! LOL My mom and one particular friend used to b*tch at me often that I was too skinny. I've been within the same 5ish pound weight range for a long time now with the exception of the extra 5 I had such trouble taking off last year. For some reason they haven't commented lately. Either I look fatter or they got used to it finally or they just gave up! lol

Not sure what work out I will do today...perhaps a little self torture with CCC or an Insanity work out is an order but not sure yet. :D Guess that's about all for now. I did personals y'day afternoon and was the last to post.

Hope all is well and JEN if you are reading this. COME BACK! WE MISS YOU! :(

BBL girls!
LOL, Wendy, this is the first chance I've gotten to even read here at all this week, and it cracked me up to see you call me out like that! :D I've been missing you girls bigtime <3 It has been a rough week with some issues with my bro. Not to go into too much detail, but he's having some anxiety and depression issues that really came to a head this week, and our whole family has been on high alert all week. Between that and FINALLY digging myself out from under the pile of work in my office, I hit a new level of exhaustion by Thursday and Friday :( I haven't worked out in two days, plus I've been snacking on pretty much whatever I want! Can you say emotional eating?? I think the worst has passed though so it's all goooood, and time to get back on track :)

Lori: I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling so under the weather lately. Was it a bug or something you ate? The staff attorney in my office was out a few days with this week wiht a stomach thing and looked like death warmed over when she came back! I've been disinfecting everything. Have fun at the game and party! After feeling awful all week, two drinks might knock you on your butt. Be careful ;)

Wendy: just gotta thank you very much for that little pick me up text I got yesterday :D:D:D:D:D That gave me a hearty LOL ;) So how is it going with the new job? Do you think you'll enjoy it? So where are your boys taking you tonight? That sounds like fun.

No idea what workout I'll do today, probably NMTZ. I'm really into the circuits lately, and I just ordered a couple of Jari's and the SWAT workouts. Anyone have the SWATs and what do you think? They got good reviews on Amazon so I figured I'd give 'em a shot.

Hello to everyone else. I'm stuck in the house today while my car gets fixed. (That was another one of this week's debacles when I went out to start my car Monday morning and got nuthin! DSO had it repaired for me and it was finally running again by Wednesday, but there are still some wires that need to be replaced and that's getting done today.) I'm okay with being stuck in though, considering it's 3 degrees out there right now. Ugh, I HATE January.

Will bbl to see who's around~

Good Morning Ladies,

Wow, in must be the morning for going out to breakfast. DH and DS2 went to a fundraising breakfast this morning. It was to raise money for my niece's basketball team. It was an all you can eat pancake breakfast. I opted to stay home. Pancakes just don't sit well with me, more like a brick in my belly for the rest of the day. I passed.

I just ate a piece of toast with almond butter and jelly. Once that digests for a bit I'm doing Max Interval Plyo today. I'm a little nervous...but looking forward to it at the same time. Afterwards I will do some ab work.

I finally started working on our tax return last night. I use Turbo Tax so its pretty simple. Hopefully my w-2 will come in the mail today and I can finish them up. Usually once I'm done, I print it out and double check everything....and then wait a few days just in case any late documents come in. I want to send them in by next Friday though.

Lori-have fun at the game and party tonight. I'm in the mood for some new clothes but haven't had the chance to go shopping. I would be in heaven if I weighed 120#. That's not a realistic weight for me though. You are healthy and your family should realize that.

Wendy-I think you should do max interval plyo with me:D ooohh then we can do abs from CCC! You are just a little petite gal and Lori can hang with those low weights! Have a good time at dinner tonight with your family.

Jen-Glad you finally had time to pop in for a visit. Hope everything is okay with your brother. 3 degrees...bbbrrrr. We are going to be in the mid 40's and sunny. When is your new house going to be ready? Are you super excited to move in? I'm sure it's stressful as well.

Hi Laura and Jacque!

Morning ladies !

I tried to check in y'day but the site was down - at least I couldn't get into any of the forums so that was my guess. Did not do anything last night but go out to eat ! :eek: TG our fav little mexican restaurant around the corner has Coors Light on tap. Ate mostly ceviche so not too bad other than a few handfuls of chips.

Had a half hour chat with the Recruiter at lunch y'day asking some general questions about the position I'll be interviewing for and a little more about the company too. Looks like a good fit for a lateral move but into a larger company with many other issues that crop up so should be an opportunity for growth. A 45 min commute seems long, but whenever I do it now to go to our mfg site 45 min away it flys by while I contemplate life and sing away to the radio ! :eek::rolleyes: I figure I could work on my Spanish CD's that my current 7 min commute doesn't leave me time for. . .:p

Wendy - nice you are easing into the new job. I think I might join you on "Weekend Warriors" workouts as I don't have loads of weekend projects at this point in time. After cleaning up from Xmas earlier this year I have been taking it easy. Need to catch up on working out ! Hope you have a nice time out tonight - we'll be going out for a nice meal tonigh also as I (sssshhhhhhh . . . ) had my BDay Thurs. and neither of us was home early enough before the hockey game to do anything but a quick dinner before the game.

Lori - in looking at your pics it seems to me that your weight looks very healthy. It really is amazing how much two people at the same weight can look so different based upon muscle vs fat. Good to hear you are feeling better. Have a good time tonight !

Jen - well hey there girlie ! Sorry for the family issues you are having. Hope all gets better for everyone soon. Hear ya on the emotional eating - my December was insanely strange as I usually eat crap and don't workout when things aren't going well but in Dec. I just didn't eat or workout. Not a good thing for me when I try to get back on track. I pack on the lbs quickly so I'm trying to behave and am still not really hungry lately. SWAT huh? I read about those types of workouts about a year ago - kinda sound bootcamp-like. Can't wait to hear how they are. Hope the car is better for you soon - though I'd stay inside if it were 3' outside too. We are gonna be in the high 50's today so not too bad. May have a little sun peeking through this weekend before the next week long rainy storm comes through. I NEED SOME SUN for my well being - I get really depressed without it for too long.

Diana - well let us know how it was to hit Insanity again after a month long hiatus ! Sounds like fun . . . but I'm a chicken !:p I'm hoping to get week 3 finished this weekend - may entertain the idea of a BL circuit week for my rest week. Jen has my interest in Jillian peaked again. I did a dry run with our taxes last weekend but am still missing loads of 1099's so used year end statements. I'm with ya on filing soon - think we'll owe on state but I wasn't going to pay extra in since CA is in such bad shape right now. Last year was delayed refunds and this year will probably be worse. I'll pay with my federal refund.

Laura - Love your description of DH is his suit. I feel the same way as my DH works in Levis, construction boots and collared t-shirts. Though with his sunglasses on he looks like a sexy rugged construction worker and that always melts my heart too ! In a suit he looks scrumptious ! :rolleyes: Hope you and SIL had a great workout - where do you girls meet to do these workouts?

Well time to get moving before I end up scrapping my workout yet again ! :rolleyes:
Back to report my workout: Jari's Ripped 1000. She suffiiently kicked my ass :D

Diana: I was with you on the home breakfast today...english muffin with almond butter for me. It's good of you to do your own tax return. I'm too lazy. In all honesty there's no reason for me not to do it myself, I don't make a ton of money and only take the head of household credit along with one child deduction, but I still have someone else do it. LAZY. So how did it go with Shaun this morning? I'm missing him, but I'd make too much noise in the house in the morning with his workouts. No need for the kids to be up at the crack of dawn just because I am! We're expecting that house to be finished sometime in April. I am OH SO EXCITED for it! Yes, the move is a PITA, but in a way I welcome it because I know this will be my last move for a very long time. Since my divorce I've moved three times, and I am done with that! The next time I plan on movin' it'll be by hearse ;)

Jacque: So you are in pursuit of a new job? Woohoo! Wishing you the best of luck. It seems like it's high time for a change for you. I'm like you in needing the sun for my well being, and these winters just about kill me. I learned not too long ago not to put myself through it anymore and now just pop a daily happy pill to combat that. It's helping immensely and I'm so thankful for better living through chemistry! Yes, I'm really loving Jillian lately and am thinking that I want to continue with her style of workout, just maybe mixing it up with other instructors to avoid boredom. It seems my body responds best to this type of workout. I'll admit that I'm really getting itchy to start running again soon though. Yet ANOTHER reason I can't wait for better weather to get here :p

Just heard the washer stop spinning so I guess I'll go get some more laundry done. That's always fun :rolleyes: BBL.
Hey Girls...back to report that Shaun T. kicked my booty today!:eek: I loved every minute of it though. My workout was Max Interval Plyo, no equip abs from ab circuits and then Leaner Legs (minus the abs). My legs are quite a dissapointment. I may be throwing in some leg workouts this week too.

Jacque-you sneaky girl. Happy belated birthday and hope you have a wonderful time at dinner. I'm struggling with my weight but it is diet related. I have to remind myself that I can't out exercise a poor diet. Wow, a 45 min commute sounds terrible to me...considering I only work about 10 miles from work and it takes 15-20 min to get there. Would you be able to telecommute? Good luck with your interview...and making a tough decision.

Jen-I think Wendy has SWAT....if she pops back in maybe she can give us the details.

Happy Saturday Girls!​
Only got a quick second before I have to jump in the shower but wanted to report my work out. Somehow I totally switched gears from my original plan (not like this surprises anyone! LOL) and ended up pulling out a dusty Tony Horton One on One Plyo Legs and doing that interspersed with intervals of upper body work. Great work out but I didn't push the upper body hard enough. Oh well. The legs got it good though so I'm happy! :)
Back to say STS legs done and though I had planned on adding some MMA Boxing - I'm too tired right now. Gotta jet off to get spaghetti feed tix from a niece so may do something before we head to the hockey game.

Thanks Diana ! :p

LOL Wendy - I was surprised ! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;)

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