Saturday in the CHEETAH den!

Morning Cheetahs!

Yep I just got up. ME! The one who’s up at 6AM at the latest every day. Last night we went out with some old friends. For some reason our friend Mark and DH always seem to get into a college mentality and always get trashed. We ended up watching the Sharks BEAT Dallas! YEAH! (still are dragging 2-3 in the series though). Then eating out at a very fancy steak house. We got home past midnight, and my stomach and head are not happy this morning. I was planning on doing Tough Love which is a 3 hour Spinerval workout, but I just don’t see that happening now. I’m actually in the mood to really lift – how weird eh? I want to do Judy’s PP/SS Upper Body Mish Mosh, so I’ll do that and see what happens. :p I honestly think it's that picture of Cathe in STS doing the pull up with her gorgeous lats and tiny waist that got me wanting to lift.

GO SHELLY GO!!! Enjoy your Whiskey Town Race! And have fun with everyone afterwards! Sounds like a fun time! And I hope you totally enjoy your massage.

Wendi – glad you had such a good run! And I’m really glad you have the blister/insole problem solved. YAY!

Cathy – I *Heart* Saturday’s too!! Enjoy your long run with the orthotics today! How far are you running?

Wendy – I’m with you! Let’s limit the CABs for a while! Enjoy your rest day! Sounds like you have a great day planned tomorrow. Most of my runs now require bib pick up the day before. I prefer it that way – less scrambling in the morning. NO! I haven’t found out anything about my raise. My boss is clueless, honestly, and he lost the paperwork. I had to resign it (same stuff – I checked!). So, it will be a few days yet. Oh well.

Gloria – I’m not a happy camper this morning. Once I get my butt in gear I really need to sweat out the poisons. Hey the instructions worked! Yeah! I like it and the little teacher graphic! Enjoy your coffee. Very pretty girl you have! Love her coloring. Scary pics of the fire!! Wow!

Carole – Read what I wrote Wendy about my raise. *sighs* :+ I do like hockey. I went to college in Northwest Ohio where hockey is huge, so I became a fan. It’s very fast – don’t blink or you’ll miss it. It took me a little while to enjoy the slower pace of football again! :p I’ll look into flights, too and get one that arrives around the same time. Sounds like a good time to get there. It’s about an hour from the airport to downtown. So we’ll get there around 4/4:30.

Lorie – I think you should enjoy some Eoin. :p Maybe do something like the step only from SJP, then Eoin – nice workout. :p

Sunny – OH CONGRATS TO DS AND HIS FIRST 5K!!!! YEAH for him! I would be so proud of him too!! How great. I had heard about that kettlebell workout. They are taking over, aren’t they? Even DH says they are at his gym.

Judy – Oh, what a great morning you had with your dad!!! I love hearing my dad talk about his childhood. Enjoy tonight!! I want to see pics! I’m sure you’ll look stunning!!

Well have a great day all! I have groceries to be bought and nails to get done today, so I'll be busy. Can't sit here and feel sorry for myself for being stupid too long... :p
Hey Cheetah's! Looks like a very busy den for a Saturday!

Cathy - I am so sorry you hurt your back! I sure hope it is better before long! Enjoy your run, if you are feeling up to it! Hmmm...maybe I should get some orthotics made! Most people swear by them! :)

Shelly - Have fun and good luck on your race! Woohoo! Enjoy the "unemployment" for as long as you can!!

Sunny - That is wonderful about your son's first 5K! That is great! Can't wait to see some pics!

Gloria - I like your Cheetah name! Beautiful pictures, as well! The Setter is gorgeous!

Lorie - Glad you are liking NROL! It is very intriguing!

Carole - Enjoy your Amy mish-mosh! Is your church having a dinner or special program this evening?

Wendy - Good luck on your 1/2!!!!! Hope you don't get rained on at the Expo! Enjoy! I truly need to start watching it closer, too! Since the bloodwork on Tuesday, I have done nothing but eat junk, junk, junk...and I feel soft and bigger 'round the middle, too! If I could just stay away from the 'tater chips :+

Wendi - Awesome run and time! enjoy your day!

Judy - Oooo! Have fun at the event tonight! I'll bet the dress is beautiful! Goodness, your family is so busy! That is great that they are so involved in activities! It seems like forever since my girls were teenagers!

I ran the most miles in one week this week that I have ever run! I was excited when I figured it up. I ran 40 miles :7

Thursday was an 8 mile run. Yesterday was a 4 mile and GS BS&B and two sections of Tracey's new Core workout. This morning was an 11 miler outside. I was able to beat the rain. So that was a nice surprise. I didn't think I would be able to get outside today.

Hi to everyone! Have a wonderful weekend!

We are taking my oldest DD and my GD and GS to dinner this evening. It should be fun!
Christine - How on earth did I miss you? :+ Sorry your tummy and head isn't feeling so well! But...sounds like you really had fun last night!! That is a shock that you feel like lifting!! What KB's today?? ;-) Isn't that pic of Cathe awesome! She is so motivating! Hey...while you are getting your nails done....get mine done for me, too! ;-)
Hello lovely cheetahs! Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend so far:7 :7 :7 I completed my Whiskey Row 10k. I guess all the business with moving and hectic pace caught up with me and I ran my slowest 10k ever. I finished in 57:30. The course was extremely difficult however and I noticed that everyone's time was pretty slow in comparison with most 10ks. Even with that time I did place second in my A.G and there were over 40 runners just in my age division so I guess I can feel pretty good about the run. Well, home again and I hope to get in some good work here before heading out later to my friends BBQ.

Lorie- Wise move to tell xDF to kiss off IMHO!!! You deserve someone much more mentally stable! Hope you get in a good workout whatever you choose to do.

Wendy- I am really glad to hear that you are going to the RT. It is an amazing experience and well worth it!! BTW I did go ahead and sign up for the Spring into Summer5k in Middletown. It'll be great if I see you there but don't feel obligated if something comes up!!! We'll be running together on that great 18 miler ayway! Best of luck to you on your HM tomorrow!!

Gloria- LOVE your new cheetah name! Where did you live before (in the west)? Your dog is beautiful!! Aren't dig cameras fun??? Those fire shots look scary!

Wendi- You are one FAST cheetah there girl!!! Great run!

Cathy- My cameraman (DH) had to stay home to get things done so no pics I'm afraid. Maybe I can get my sis to e-mail me some. Be interested to hear how the orthotics work out for you.

Carole- Nice fun workout day for you! I had a male massage therapist this time and boy was he brutal!! (in a good way though)

SunnyD- I didn't realize today was the 5k with your DS!! Good for him.... awesome accomplishment!!!!

Judy- What a nice day with your Dad! My DH is native NewYorker Italian. His grandparents immigrated here (came thru Ellis Island) and his grandpa actually had a vegetable cart (horse driven) in Brooklyn!Very impressive stats on that workout!!!

Christine- Wow... that must have been some night for you to sleep in! A 3 hr spinerval workout???? Have mercy!!!

I think that about catches me up.

Hey Linda! Posting together:) Wow, you are getting in some serious mileage there! I think you'll be in awesome shape for your marathon this summer:) :) I definitely plan on enjoying my unemployment.... but first I have to get this move done!!!
guys, thanks for all your support. you all do remember what i went through with the vegas thing and i am going to trust my instincts. anyway, i appreciate all your support more than you know!

i decided to put in a movie and walk on the tm since my tummy is still feeling a bit wonky. i got in 6 miles in 75 minutes on a 5% incline. i was fine with that. it was very hard to resist the urge not to run.

i am in serious need of a shower! kishies!
Linda – you’re doing some great running lately! That’s wonderful! Glad you were able to beat the rain. Imagine that – NO KB’s today – although I did do some of the traditional moves with the kettlebells. :+ I love that picture! Sure, I’ll get your nails done too! We should just invite Carole over to do both! :p

WAY TO GO SHELLY!! A “slow” race where you still come in second?! That’s our Shelly! I hope you had a good time! The Have Mercy Spinervals are only 2 hours. :p Yes, I have done those all the way through. They’re fun. Have fun at the BBQ!

Lorie – the walk sounds nice, actually! Good for you – trust your instincts girlfriend, and do what’s right for you. I do think you deserve much better, though. :p

Well, I did the Chest, Back and Shoulders from Judy’s PP/SS UB Mish Most. It was nice lifting again. Then I got a wild hair and took Jimmy for a 3 mile run. I ran about 2 (it was a tough run!), and walked the rest, but it was good for both of us. I wanted to sweat those toxins out, and I think I accomplished that. I’m feeling much better and ready to face the day.
Shelly - Good job on your 10k! I think that is a good time, period....let along on a tough course! Congrats on 2nd place!!! That is a LOT of runners in your AG!

Christine - Good job on your weights and run! Yes, we need to have Carole come and do both of our nails! Wonder if she does house calls? All the way across the country ;)
Shoot! Am I ever embarrassed! I was checking my mileage and I was wrong on what I said before :+ I didn't get in 40 miles :-( I only did 34. Oh well. I thought that sounded high! I don't know how I figured that! :+
Ever have one o' those days where it's just not your day? We all have 'em, right? Well, today is one of those days for me. *lol*

Went to Target this morning and bought Mario Kart for the Wii. Didn't work. (Tested several of my other games--they worked fine.) Go back. Tell 'em it's a dud. Exchange. Bring it home. Same danged thing.

Go to the chiro. Don't you know I get a flat. Luckily, I made it to the mechanic's shop. Have to get two new tires, which have to be ordered, so the car won't be ready til Monday afternoon.

Went out for my run. Wore the WRONG shorts. Had such major chafing going on, I had to cut it a mile short. My thighs are EN FUEGO.
I'm hobblin' around here like I just rode in the Kentucky Derby.

*lol* But of course, it could be worse. Hey, at least the sun's come out for a bit. :)

Congrats to Shelly on a great race!

BBL for personals.

Oh orthotics are on backorder, so I still don't have them yet.

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]

"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Hi Cheetahs!

No time for personals but I did read through.

Carole - Thanks for the cold wax review. I'll have to give that a try.

I went for a run in my new neighborhood this morning. It was a beautiful run. There were some rolling hills. I got in about 1.7 miles when nature came a calling. Had to come home and finish up on the treadmill. In total I got in 5.2 miles and finished with about 20 minutes of yoga.

After that, I went to help DB do some cleaning around the new house. Trying to get it ready for inspection next week. Then I had to go to Wally World to get some groceries and finish up the laundry. I'm waiting for DB to arrive now. Don't know what he wants to do. I'm exhausted.

I'll try and catch up with you ladies later. Hope you had a wonderful day.

Shelly - Congratulations on finishing that 10K!! I still think you did an awesome job with all you've had on your plate the past few weeks.

Wendy - Good luck on your half tomorrow!!

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