Saturday 2 of october


Hi ladies.Good morning.I have done yet ME upper body premix split.I loove this workout.The abs section is fantastic. I think that this afternoon I am going to do pyramids lower body.Enjoy your workouts. :)
Hi Stayfit! I LOVE that upper body split of ME and do it quite often myself! :) Good for you for doing PLB this afternoon! I always THINK about doing a second workout but never get around to it! Anyway, I'm doing the last of the CTX series this week for me, Step and Intervals! Have a great day. :)
Good morning ladies....good workouts Stayfit!

I did Allstep from CTX yesterday, forgot about that choreography...didn't falter too much...:)

Today I am doing a Taebo from the Get Ripped DVD and AbRipperX....have a great day...:)...Carole
I'm doing Kick Punch Crunch and then some pilates. I have been doing KPC every Saturday morning since I got it. I look so forward to doing it every week! I have my husbands 20th High School reunion tonight. After losing those last 15 pounds- I am ready to go! Thanks to Cathe;-) Susan
Hi all, I did a premix off of Legs and Glutes (standing work only) it about killed me. Hadn't done it in a loooonnng while.

Carole I have a question about the Advantage stuff you told me about yesterday.

I am taking generic lactaid now which is 9000 units of the lactose enzyme and I have to take it before I eat any dairy (but after works also). What makes this other stuff better since I read it is only 3000 units of the enzyme? And how can you only take it once a day when it is less of the enzyme than what I currently taking? Is it a time release or a special added supplement that makes it better?


Hi Annette....I have never just taken generic Lactaid before as I did not think of lactose intolerance of being my problem. I had just read about this Digestive Advantage on these message boards being an alternative treatment for IBS which is what I think I could have as my problems occur when I am stressed. I believe you can even take 2 of the Digestive Advantage if you need too. Not sure if it is time release but there are other ingredients that might be the difference. Also our bodies seem to react differently to things and this has helped my symptoms alot...:)...Carole
Hi everyone,

Well, today was PLB. I only have the IS on VHS but after I get all of Cathe's other workouts I definitely want to get it on DVD. I just love all the premixes on the other DVD's.

Susan - have fun at your class reunion:)

Have a great day!:)
After taking 4 weeks off from workouts, I've promised myself that I'll get back into it. I did L&G this morning - and am mentally preparing the the DOMS I'll have tomorrow. Tomorrow will be PUB.
I've taken the week off- had a cold and couldn't breath which makes it hard to do Cathe- hee hee. I thought I would murder someone if I didn't get back into it soon!! So this morn was my first day back. I did HSTA and man was it tough!! Felt good but whooped my a$$. Tomorrow for me will be KPC. Isn't it nice to get back into the groove??

Good for you Catherine! Hope you're feeling well.

Susan, hope you have fun. Congrats on those last 15 lbs.!

Stayfit, you are a fitness Goddess as always!:) How's your foot?

Today I did PH & am still contemplating what Cardio I want to do. For some reason, nothing appeals. Maybe I'll just run.

Hi Everyone:

I so enjoy reading everyone's workouts but rarely post myself! I just finished IMAX 2 and for the first time, finished it all with no modifications! I feel great-sweaty, but great! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!:7

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