Sappy 4th of July Story...Sorry

Wow, Jillybean~What a wonderful story! I'm sure only those that exercise can appreciate the feeling you must have felt after completing 10-10-10 that day. This is a great place to find support and we're here for you anytime. Let's here 3 cheers for Jillybean everyone!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Thank you everyone!

Thank you to all of you for reading, responding, and your praise. I got tears streaking my cheeks as I type this because I just read all of your posts. Thank you. You know, they say that no one should ever say, "I am a recovered anorexic/bulimic, etc..." but rather, "I am a recovering _____ (fill in the blank)". Well, I feel like I have recovered my smile, my sense of humor, my curves, and my sanity. So I think we can all take comfort in the fact that we have support here and that no matter how abnormal, shameful, bizarre, we all feel about our eating behaviors, we aren't alone. And, quoting lori here, "we are normal." Go us!!!!
OMG, Jillybean,
Your story has brought a lump to my throat, you must be so proud of yourself. I can relate so much to the eating disorder thing (I still find it hard to talk about it, because it STILL bothers me), but your story is so great. I hope you are doing great girl, because I know, how hard it is (and it is hard for me to write this). That fear is so hard to overcome........


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