fit 4 life
I know Cathe and most of you use the Ryka II shoes for working out.
My question is: do you use the same shoe for step aerobics as you do when you are kickboxing?
I have always used new balance cross training shoes for everything except when I run on the treadmill or go for a power walk and then I use a new balance walking or running shoe. I am wondering if the cross trainers are to heavy of a shoe for kickboxing and not enough support for the step workouts.
I want to make sure I have proper shoes befor we receive the new four day split series.
I did buy them I just could not resist. I can't wait to see if Cathe will be doing her Boxing series in December. I hope we can do them without a punching bag, but if not I can make room.
any feedback and help would be greatly appreciated.
I need to take care of my 51 year old knees
I know a few people who use cross trainer shoes for every workout they do. What would you purchase if you were me. I know a few friends who do Cathe's kickboxing workouts bare foot. I know the Ryka II are not available anymore
I am sure there are other good shoes besides ryka. My mom goes to a foot speciaist and he said new balance is one of the best shoes you can wear. Do any of you know a good web sites I can take a look at?
Sorry so long but thank you all in advance.
My question is: do you use the same shoe for step aerobics as you do when you are kickboxing?
I have always used new balance cross training shoes for everything except when I run on the treadmill or go for a power walk and then I use a new balance walking or running shoe. I am wondering if the cross trainers are to heavy of a shoe for kickboxing and not enough support for the step workouts.
I want to make sure I have proper shoes befor we receive the new four day split series.
I did buy them I just could not resist. I can't wait to see if Cathe will be doing her Boxing series in December. I hope we can do them without a punching bag, but if not I can make room.
any feedback and help would be greatly appreciated.
I need to take care of my 51 year old knees
Sorry so long but thank you all in advance.