salad ideas


Active Member
I've been trying to increase my veggie intake and am looking for some different salad recipes or ideas. I know all you ladies are pretty healthy eaters, so what's you favorite salad?

I don't know how healthy my favorite salad is because of the fish sauce. Also, I don't really measure the ingredients. I just go by the taste. The recipe below is about two large servings.

Spicy Chicken Salad (Larb in Thai)

You'll first have to make some ground, roasted rice. It's really simple. For a little amount, take a handful of rice and toast in a skillet; stirring constantly so it doesn't burn. Let cool. Place toasted rice in a blender until ground.

Brown about a pound of Ground chicken over medium heat, stirring constantly. (I grind my own since it's cheaper that way.) Remove from heat. Squeeze 1 to 2 limes over the cooked chicken in the skillet. Add ~ a tablespoon of fish sauce (found in the ethic section of your grocery store). Don't add too much at once. Add more if needed for a saltier taste. You'll want to add enough lime and fish sauce to act as a salad dressing. Add a couple of teaspoons of roasted ground rice. Stir. Add chopped scallions, mint leaves, cilantro, and slivers of red onions. If you like spicy foods, add ground, roasted hot peppers. Basically similar to making roasted ground rice.(I make my mother make and ship this to me since the fumes when roasting burns my eyes.) Pour over lettuce, shredded carrots, plum tomatoes and sliced cucumbers. Optional: serve with steamed rice.

You can also make this with chopped/ground pork or steak.

My mother also makes a spicy papaya salad with lime juice. It's been ages since I made it. If you're interested, I can ask her for the recipe next time I talk to her.
I dump all kinds of stuff in my salads! Egg whites, chickpeas, cucumbers, tomatoes, all the veggies I can find in my fridge.
Oh, and try this if you love Mexican food. Take a some baked Tostito's, shredded lettuce, lowfat shredded cheese, heat up some fat free refried beans, chopped tomatoes and fat free sour cream. I will even add some avocado, and make a "salad" Oh, and don't forget the salsa!:p It's yummy, filling, lots of protien, a little carb and fiber to boot!
My favorite is mixed baby greens, a small can of mandarin oranges (in juice) drained, blue cheese or goronzola crumbles, roasted chiken breast pieces, cashews, green apple chunks, Craisins and light poppyseed dressing tossed together. I could eat it every day although it's not exactly low in calories.

I bought the Asian Salad mix at Costco and it's pretty good. It contains: Cabbage, Soynuts, chinese noodles, dried pineapple, with a Ginger dressing. I'm sure you could make something similar on your own.
I eat this salad almost everyday........In a big bowl I put 3 cups or more romaine, 1 cut up apple, 4 to 6 oz of roasted beef, some cilantro, and top it off with plain fatfree yogurt with a splash or 2 of white vinigar.. ......Peggy
I love salad. I love everybodies ideas, I'll have to try fruit, as suggested by others above. I like to put chopped up tamari roasted almonds and craisins in mine with a variety of vegies..... parsley, red peppers, cabbage, spinach, srouts, etc. etc... You get the idea.
Another favorite recipe I have is for a Tabouli
The trick to this version is the Tabouli is not cooked at all.
In large bowl mix
2 cups bulgur wheat
1/2 cup tamari
1/2 cup oil
juice of 4 lemons
Once you have done the above dice and layer in order:
1 bunch scallions
4 med tomatoes in season
1 large bunch parsley
3-4 stalks celery
2-3 carrots grated or chopped fine
2 cucumbers
Now cover the whole thing and let sit in refrigerator for about 36 hours. Stir it up and eat it up, Yum!
You have to try fresh brocolli, califlower, frozen soybeans, peas, corn, toasted almond slices, fresh parm. cheese, any fruit in the house (apples, oranges, pears) or dried (apricots, cranberries, cherries). It is my best way to get my girls to eat veggies! Then pour bluecheese vinegrette on it and it is superb!!

Have fun!
I am a lover of a blackened Tuna(Zatarans makes the best blackened seasoning) salad with hot peppers mush ,onions and salsa and a tiny bit of ranch. It is to die for..
A big bowl of butter/breen leaf lettuce mix (bagged) w/avocado, grape tomatoes, red onion, slice of honey roasted turkey, a tad of crumbled bleu cheese for extra flavor, some kind of fruit (summertime any kind of berry is great, winter it's apple, pear or right now I'm really into dried figs chopped..I get them from Trader Joe's). Somtimes i add a hard boiled egg &/or baby carrots.

Easy Dressing: (RARELY bottled - too much high fructose, etc.)
whisk a spoonful of dijon mustard, 2T champagne or white balsamic vinegar, Italian seasoning; continue to whisk as you slowly add 4T extra virgin oilive oil. Season to taste w/Kosher salt & pepper.

Sometimes I add a little honey before the oil & minced shallots at the end.

Keeps me full for a long time...


Keep smiling & sweating!
Whatever greens I'm using as a "base", I'll add sliced fennel bulb (yummy licorice flavor), any kind of canned bean, and whatever veggies I've got in the fridge. For lunch I add a scoop of cottage cheese. I also love adding asian pear to any salad. For dressings, I've gotten into using flavored oils and vinegars. This one's yummy: lemon infused olive oil with raspberry balasamic vinegar. (just add in a little dijon to emulsify)
>I don't know how healthy my favorite salad is because of the
>fish sauce. Also, I don't really measure the ingredients. I
>just go by the taste. The recipe below is about two large
>Spicy Chicken Salad (Larb in Thai)
>You'll first have to make some ground, roasted rice. It's
>really simple. For a little amount, take a handful of rice and
>toast in a skillet; stirring constantly so it doesn't burn.
>Let cool. Place toasted rice in a blender until ground.
>Brown about a pound of Ground chicken over medium heat,
>stirring constantly. (I grind my own since it's cheaper that
>way.) Remove from heat. Squeeze 1 to 2 limes over the cooked
>chicken in the skillet. Add ~ a tablespoon of fish sauce
>(found in the ethic section of your grocery store). Don't add
>too much at once. Add more if needed for a saltier taste.
>You'll want to add enough lime and fish sauce to act as a
>salad dressing. Add a couple of teaspoons of roasted ground
>rice. Stir. Add chopped scallions, mint leaves, cilantro, and
>slivers of red onions. If you like spicy foods, add ground,
>roasted hot peppers. Basically similar to making roasted
>ground rice.(I make my mother make and ship this to me since
>the fumes when roasting burns my eyes.) Pour over lettuce,
>shredded carrots, plum tomatoes and sliced cucumbers.
>Optional: serve with steamed rice.
>You can also make this with chopped/ground pork or steak.

Can you also make this with soy crumbles, do you think???
Another tip to help get in more whole grains: I keep a container of cooked quinoa in the fridge and sprinkle a bunch on every mixed green-type salad I make. It adds a really nice texture, plus protein and fiber. Tastes good, too! :)

I love salads - could eat them every day!! I'm writing down all the combo's above to try later on. Great variety!!

My favorite isn't that clean, but I love it!!!

Romaine, spinach, arugula mix
sliced apple
red onion
gorgonzola (or any strong blue cheese)
a little olive oil and some balsmic vinegar

Sometimes I sub fresh strawberries for the apples.
My salad is similiar to fitmom24's. Baby spinach, tomatoes, green peppers, celery, walnuts, dried cranberries, crumlbled blue cheese (or feta), mandarin oranges, fresh chopped dill and cilantro(got to have those) and 2tbsp of Ken's ff dressing.
I wanted something different than a "lettuce" salad the other day so took some steamed asparagus, diced cooked chicken breast and added some already cooked chilled barley with just a couple TBS of a fat free viniagrette dressing.

Mmmmmm :9

Quite different and lasted all afternoon in my tummy. :7
I like raw broc., raisins, red onions, mixed with light mayo, 1 pack sweetner & 1 tb. cider vineagar:)
My comment about the fish sauce wasn't referring to your substitution of soy for chicken. Just wanted to comment about the huge sodium content of the fish sauce. :)

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