Sad to see Meso 1 go


I am doing the 6 month rotation and am going to finish meso 1 this Saturday.
I really loved it. This is not the typical way I weight train so the change was so refreshing. Even though I could not get all the push ups, I enjoyed the challenge of trying and have seen a real improvement. Everything was so new. Right down to the 30 sec rest. :eek:
I know there are more gains in the future and I am looking forward to pushing myself in meso 2 but I just wanted to say..I will miss you Meso 1
:(...but I will be back:D

Thank you Cathe for giving me a program I just do not wat to quit.;)

I'm finishing Meso 1 this week too. I loved it! I loved all the push-ups on the stability ball. I'll miss those.

I'm looking forward to meso 2 because I haven't peeked at any of them yet;) I've noticed a few post about the killer leg work so I'm excited! I love a challenging lower body workout:cool:

When do you plan to restart STS after your full rotation? I'm doing a 5 month rotation (4 weeks meso 3- maybe). I will finish in August.
I was thinking I would do some Cathe full body workouts until STS cardio arrives then begin another STS rotation. Maybe a 3 month rotation the second time around.
I'm curious what others are planning to do:)
I'm doing the 6 month rotation and will finish up Meso 1 a week from Saturday. I had already planned to start up again the 20th of September which would give me a final rest week the last week of the year. Sounds like STS cardio will fit right in there and if I'm off by a week or two that's fine, because I'd love to do both together. I haven't decided what type of rotation I'll do in between. Figure I'll be wanting to do some of my old favorites by then and curious to see how much different my weights for them will be. :D
I am also finishing up Meso 1 this week. I haven't decided how long I will do Meso 3 for. Right now I do 4 weight days. 1 with a trainer and the other 3, STS. So whatever I do with the trainer gets worked twice that week. When I hit Meso 3, since it is heavy weights I don't know if I should do a body part more than once. From what I figured out I will be done end of jUly
I'm finishing Meso 1 this week as well in my six month rotation. I will miss it too, but reading all the reviews for Meso 2 has me anxious to get started on that one.

I hadn't planned on doing another STS rotation after this one until early 2010, but STS Cardio may change that. I plan on waiting until STS cardio comes in to do another rotation, and if that is September/October timeframe, I'll probably start my new rotation at that time. I'll probably do a three month rotation next, but if I really feel like pushing the weights even more next time--and I have the time to do it--I might opt for either five or six months again next time as well.

I'm loving STS so far and can't wait to marry this new cardio program up with it!
Never finished my post from before. My husband starting reading over my shoulder so I just posted it. I hate when people watch what I am writing.

I should fininsh my rotation right before the RT. Then I go to myrtle beach mid august. So I am thinking I will start another round in September. I'm not sure what I will do. I think I need to see my results. I have never lifted HEAVY, so I don't know how my body will respond or feel (on the joints anyway). I am thinking 3 months the next time with the plyo leg version. This time I am going for the squat rack version.

I was thinking I would do the five month rotation too. Due to a job I might be on in the summer I might be working out of town and therefore working out in a gym 3 days a week...yuck. It just might muck up everything. But I will just have to wait and see what happens. As it gets closer I will know. It will really suck if I am stuck out of town when the STS cardio comes in and I have to wait to start.:confused:
I will not be happy!
I'm doing the 6 month rotation and will be completing Meso 1 on Friday (yeah!). (And I struggled with the pushups but I think I got better!) I'm thinking once I finish this, I'll do something else for a month or 6 weeks and then do the three month rotation of this...but we'll see what happens on the other side of this first 6 months! I am really loving these workouts and looking forward to moving on to Meso 2!

I'm finishing up mesocycle 1 this Friday as well. So nice to see that I'm on the same rotation as you guys and I'm not all alone. I have loved meso 1. This is more the style of lifting I've always done....before I discovered Cathe and this whole new world of workouts, so I'm really looking forward to trying new things and lifting heavier weights. STS is the first time I've used more than 10 # weights so while I'm lighter than you guys, I'm still going heavy for me and loving it! I think I'm going to do the 6 mths and make meso 3 the entire 8 weeks and then take a break for about a month and do it again as a 3 mth rotation hopefully with the sts cardio disc's as well. But depending on how that rotation works, I might vary it somewhat to keep a day or 2 of running in my rotation, but we'll see how I feel when the time comes....

I actually will miss the pushups...even though I'm not even close to doing them all unmodified, I enjoyed pushing myself and really trying and experiencing new variations....but hey, bring on meso 2! :D
I am on my last week of Meso 1, too. I will finish up on Friday - i'll miss it. I really enjoyed doing each week 2x. So glad I decided to do 5-6 mo. rotation. (not sure if i'm doing meso 3 2x or not).

I'm a bit intimidated to lift even heavier in meso 2, but excited to push myself more than I usually do.

Are there not any push ups in the rest of sts? I haven't even looked at it yet.

Looking forward to "active recovery" next week after not having any "rest" for 8 wks. For some resaon, I've been soo tired this week, not sure if it's due to weight lifting or what....

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