I did MIC for the first time yesterday. Great workout! However, I do not have enough space in my workout area to do the diagonal moves, especially the sachets. Any advice?
I don't have much room, either, so I just walk back and forth or march in place. if you wanted to keep your intensity up, you could even high jog in place. Hope this helps!
Isn't it a great tape! I'm dripping with sweat when it's over!
In place of this "sachet" combo, you can do (high intensity replacement) a step knee corner to corner(pushing up off of the board with a lift for intensity as you do this move) followed by an abduction repeater (again pushing up off of the board explosively as you do the move). To make it a little less intense, simply take out the explosive movements and keep your feet grounded on the step knee corner to corner and abduction repeater. Have fun!
I have enough room for them, but for some reason I feel like I lose the rhythm of the workout when I do them. Now I can cut them out all together!!!!