S&H Question


Hi. I'm going to be starting a new rotation soon using S&H, first time for these tapes, I'm pretty excited. Anyway, I was wondering if I'd have to run out and buy heavier dumbells?? I currently own dumbells...3,5,8,10,12, and 15. I own all of Cathe's strength tapes and along with my barbell these weights suite my just fine. (I only use the 15's for one-armed lat rows). Thanks for your input.

Give it a try. I'm doing it with that (am on week 3 and see great results) :)

There are a couple in legs where I'd like to go heavier... but I used 2 weights in one (not ideal but saved on $$$)

Know you'll love it. Why don't you try a week of all 3 and then go out and get more if you need it.
I agree, just try it & you'll figure out if you need to go heavier. Sounds like you have plenty of poundage for a great workout. One question - do you have a barbell for squats? That's the only thing I would suggest. I can go pretty heavy on S/H legs with my barbell (35-40 lbs, heavy to me at least!)

Let us know what you think!

You can definitely use what you have for your first rotation. Then when you don't feel challenged any longer go out and buy heavier ones. I used my 20's a few times but with the slow speed the 15's feel really heavy! On my 3rd week I actually lightened up a little. The series is tough even using moderate weights!

Bobbi http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif Chicks Rule!
You have the same weights I use. Last time through with Chest and Back fried me with just 15s! I can't even do all 3 sets with them for the bench presses. The Legs workout is where I have improved the most. Barbell is up to 45 lbs now ... started with a 25. Love this series, good luck!

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