S&H legs and shoulders


I dont know if I was doing this tape right with correct form or if I didnt use enough weight, but I wasnt sore at all! Not even a little. I usually get a good soreness when I do Power Hour and Leaner legs and even the Firm vol 1 but I wasnt sore. Did I do something wrong?
I have the exact same response w/ S&H. The only one thing that gets me even a little sore is the chest work. Consequently, I wonder if I am just wasting time doing this workout. When I first received the set, I did a S&H rotation for 3 weeks. It is good to slow down and focus on form but I didn't see any results.
A workout does not have to make you sore to be good.
I understand thinking something isn't effective b/c you're not sore, but I second Honeybunch here as far as effectiveness not necessarily being reflected by soreness.

Certain types of workouts seem to produce more soreness in me--namely endurance workouts. The theories I've read about involve the idea that the lactic acid produced by lifting bathes the muscle cells for longer during endurance sets b/c there is no break where you stretch out and the body removes the lactic acid. The stretching b/w sets in S&H probably reduces the lactic acid build up. Hope that makes sense--basically--most people feel endurance work more simply b/c the lactic acid isn't removed as quickly.

Personally, I have been doing S&H one body part a day (each part once a week) for the last 7 weeks and have seen great results. I actually still get sore from them b/c i've increased my weights and I make sure each rep is very challenging.

Because it is such a great method, I'd say try it out for a while and look for results (strength soon and later visible) and try to ignore the fact that you're not sore. I've actually seen studies that indicate that prolonged presence of lactic acid can retard muscle growth, so maybe the fact that you're not sore but are challenging yourself is a good thing for your results.

This question used to come up a lot when S/H first was released. Cathe said that due to the long rests between sets, the lactic acid was less likely to build up and result in soreness, but that didn't mean the workouts were not effective.
There have been a gazillion posts about this. S&H allows you time to stretch and rest, so you don't build up a lot of lactic acid. Also, it is sneaky. I usually feel it 2 days later though sometimes, not at all. But I sure do see results. That is what's important. Keep it up, you will love this series and what it can do for you. Have fun!!!!

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