S&H Chest and back


Active Member
Well I just completed S&H chest and back today for the 1st time.
I really did not find this tape difficult. Do you think I may be changing my tune in the next few day when the pain sets in (smile).
Did any one else feel this way when they completed the tape for the 1st time? I really loved the tape but I guess I expected to sweat up a storm.
I was only using 12, 15 and 20 pound weights.

Wait 2 days! You will feel it. I was so disappointed my first week I wrote on the board almost moaning wondering what I did wrong!

If you search on my name (shaan) you will come up with the post and you can read my first workout experience with S&H.

Don't rush it. Take it slow until you are sure your body is not responding to the weights then add more. I am telling you the workouts kill.

Just wait a few days - if you can continue with the other segements of the work out then do so. Don't use the segment 2 days in a row. I don't know how fit you are but I know by day 7 I had cut down my cardio days cause I was so sore from S&H.

Even today (week 3), I feel I should cut down the segments and concentrate ONLY on legs one day. Then on shoulders next day. Day 3 on Triceps and Abs. Day 4 on chest and back. Day 5 on Biceps and Abs. This I feel will allow me to add my 5 day cardio back cause this week (mon and today) I was unable to do my cardio cause I felt tired and sore from my Monday's workout.
Wow, DiDi, I just did S&H Chest/Back Monday, for the first time since December. I was/am unbelievably sore from my lower back and up! Even the sides of my neck are sore!!! I had been doing MIS, PowerHour, CIA2102, PS, CTX, etc. since December (so it isn't as if I haven't been doing a lot of strength workouts). I decided to start an S&H rotation this week. I didn't use weights much different than yours. I benchpressed two 25's and two 20's, I did chest flyes with 20 and 17.5, I did deadlifts with two 25's and two 20's, I did the lat pullovers (laying down) with a 20, etc. Sorest I've been in a long time!!!!

I did S&H Legs/Shoulders today, and don't feel anything yet, but I can't go very heavy with shoulders because I'm so weak there (12, 8 and 6). I only did 60 lbs for squats, because I can barely hold 50 on my shoulders and I wore 10 more lbs around my waist. I might not even get sore from that, because I usually do PS at 50 and MIS at 47.5, but I'll know by tomorrow!

Heck, my triceps and shoulders were also sore from Chest/Back. I thought it was killer!!!! I want to alternate S&H weeks with endurance strength workout weeks, and see if I can build some muscle/strength without losing endurance. I am really scrawny in the upper body, and have a hard time building muscle. Maybe that's why I'm so sore, but I'm usually not THIS sore.

Sandi M
I had the same experience of not being sore after doing Slow and Heavy. I KNOW I worked out to the max, but I didn't feel the same soreness I do with routines like Power Hour. I think the longer breaks, with stretch, account for some of that. [I suppose some "non-exercisers" would think us odd for WANTING to be sore ;-)
I just wanted to post today and say the pain is starting to set in! Cathe should call these tapes Slow and Painful (smile).

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