Ryka- Where Are They?

Hi Deanie!

Just writing to let you (and anyone else who's interested in Rykas) that you can, in fact, order the Enlight's on Zappos.com. This is a fantastic website for all kinds of shoes. Their customer service is unbelievable good and they have free shipping. I did have a little trouble finding out about these shoes (they're my favorites also). Apparently they are now called just Enlight's. I even e-mailed them to make sure these were the same shoes as the Enlight II's that I had purchased in the past. I hope your experience with Zappos is as good as mine has been. I'm pretty sure it will be. Oh, and I just ordered my Enlight's two days ago so they probably still have some. Good luck to you!!

Hi Cathe,

Congratulations on your full recovery! Nothing seems important in life unless you and your family are healthy.

I was hoping you could help so many of us wishing to purchase the Ryka Enlight II's. You mentioned that for our pre-ordered vidoes, you and the crew will be wearing them. Ryka no longer carries this style and I was hoping for myself and many others who have posted this request that you could shed some light as to where to find these awesome shoes?

Thank you so much for your help and I cannot wait to receive your new DVD set. I have 3 of my friends hooked on you as well and they all pre-ordered this weekend!

Continue to stay well:)

Just an FYI... these are not the same as the Enlight II.. they are the original Enlights. I ordered them from Zappos when they actually called them Enlight II on their web site. When I got them, I compared them to the Enlight II's I had at home and they are slightly different. I e-mailed Zappos to let them know that their web site was mis-leading and they apologized and told me they were fixing it immediately. They are a great site, actually gave me a $15 gift certificate for the issue. The shoes that are called Enlight are ok, but not as good as the II's
Hi all,

I, too, was on a mad hunt for the Enlight II's but to no avail. I called Ryka and the customer service person I spoke to had no idea what I was talking about. She said they are not listed anywhere in the company catalog and she can only surmise that they have been discontinued. Feeling less than satisfied with that conversation, I decided to email the company but I've never heard back. :-(

Maybe if more of you inquire they will bring it back!
I finally got a reply from Ryka Customer Service. The bad news is, this style has been discontinued. The good news is, they still have a few sizes left in the white/dove colorway. If anyone is interested you may contact Ryka Customer Service at 1.888.834.7952. I think the retail price is around $70.00.

Thank you so much for posting the Ryka CS phone number. The Enlight II's are the only shoes I have worn that allow me to do Cathe's high impact workouts without my knees burning. I have been on a search for a year to find new shoes or find Enlight II's somewhere on the internet.

Thanks to you, I was able to purchase 2 pair (P.S. - size 8 is still available)from the CS department you mentioned in your email today. The price is only $52.00/pair with no tax, just shipping (I think $8.95).

You are so kind to share your discovery with the rest of us. I hope you were able to purchase your size as well.

Thank you for making my day. I can't wait for our pre-orders of Cathe's new DVD's to arrive. Now I can look forward to some high impact excitement without enduring pain!:)

Hi Karen! You're so welcome:) .

Yes, I ordered a pair for myself as well. I hope they fit. I have a pair of the N-Gage XT's and I really like those, too. The guy I talked to said that if I order the Enlight II's in the same size as my N-Gage I should be OK. I've got my fingers crossed. ;)
Can anyone tell me about Ryka sizes? I normally wear 5 1/2M, and I know with Nikes I'm a half-size larger.

I too get knee pain and really hope these sneakers will help. Any testaments will really be appreciated.

I've always heard that Ryka's run about a 1/2 size smaller than other brands. I wear an 8 1/2 in New Balance but needed a 9 when I bought my Ryka N-Gage XT's. I've never had a pair of Enlight II's so I'm hoping they run the same as the N-Gage. I can let you know when they come.
I have Ryka's N-Gage Studio and they are great shoes. I am about to buy a new pair. What are these Enlight II shoes like? Does anyone have a link where you can see what they look like?
I went on the Ryka website and according to the questions I answered, they recommended the Affirm XT and I found a pair on their website for 29.99. The last pair Ryka's I purchased at Lady Footlocker were $75, so I snatched these up. I hope I like them.
Where is the option where you can answer questions and they recommend shoes? Is it somewhere on the Ryka homepage?
On the Ryka website, there is a section in the bottom left corner that says "Find the Shape of your foot" and "Shoe Finder". The shoe finder will ask you about 4 questions and it will recommend the type of shoe for you.
Thank you! I just tried that, and it recommended the exact shoe I already use- the N-Gage Studio. I couldn't figure out how to select more than one option when it asks what workouts you do. I do high impact cardio and weight training, but could only select one.
My Enlight II's were delivered today!! I love them. They're really nice and cushiony. I ordered them a 1/2 size larger than I normally wear in a New Balance and they fit very well with my custom orthotics. I think I'm going to order a second pair! I like the color, too--very neutral white and gray. They'll go with everything.
Hi All,

I just signed up to use this forum so I have never replied to a post before. I lurk here all the time reading and researching information.

With regards to the Ryka's. I have been reading so many posts about people who love the Enlight II but can't find them. I have been working out for years in my running shoes and now have sever pain in my IT band. I need good aerobic shoes. I decided to hunt down these Enlight II's.

In an earlier post someone posted the customer service number for Ryka. I just called them this morning and asked if they still had them(Enlight II). The man said they still have a warehouse full of them. I questioned why there weren't any on the website then and he said that they(the customer service) are different from the company itself.

I normally wear a 6 1/2 so I ordered a 7. He said to go about 1/2 size bigger. They were about $70.00 plus $6.00 for shipping. I told him that if I like them when I get them, that I will order a second pair. He said they have a ton of them!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited.

I will let you know when they arrive. If this helps out my hip pain, then it is completely worth it!! :7

If anyone is still looking to find these, call the customer service number and you can order them!! The # is: 1-888-834-7952.


I really appreciate all the comments and replies regarding the Ryka Enlight IIs. Can anyone out there tell me if these are high-tops, mid-tops, etc.? How have they helped your knee pain, and how cushiony are they? Should anything but low-tops be used for high-impact aerobics?

How is the return policy at Ryka? Thanks so much, Michelle, for the insight about their warehouse.

Thanks everyone,

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