Ryka Enlight II vs. Ryka N-gage studio shoe


I know a lot of people swear by the Enlight II's and I have been wanting a pair but couldn't find them in my size. I just got an e-mail from Zappos.com and they have the Ryka Enlight II's in stock in every size and I was thinking about getting a pair. Not to mention they are on sale for like $59.95 until Friday the 10th. I know the N-gage studio shoe are the newest ones so I was wondering if anyone has had both and which one they liked better. I have extremely high arches and need a super amount of cushioning and arch support. Can anyone tell me which would be better? Thanks for your responses in advance.

I have a pair, I got them at another site for $65 when Zappos was out of them. They are only about 2 months old, but I like them so much that I ordered a second pair from Zappos last night, because there were posts going around that the Enlight II was being discontinued.

p.s these are the ones Cathe wears!
I had the Enlight's, and now use the N-Gage. The Enlight's were fabulous, the N-Gage's I don't like. They feel stiff around the ankle and don't have the bottom padding the Enlight's have. Thanks for posting - I'm going to order the Enlights myself.

Thanks to both of you. I went ahead and ordered a pair of the Enlight II's. I probably should have ordered two since I probably will never find them in my size again but then my husband would kill me!!!


I own the newer N-Gage's that are not high tops. I like them but the insole is not that great. I also just ordered the Enlight II's, hoping they are as bouncy as my beloved Rhythm II's.

I send back the N-Gage high tops. The high tops hurt and I felt there was very little support.
I've always had to buy a half size larger in Rykas. Does the Enlight II run true to size or a bit small. The price is great and I need new shoes so I'm really interested in buying them. What do you think? Thanks!

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