runny nose


Does anyone here have a runny nose only when the do aerobics? that is the only time my nose runs, just curious
Oh yeah, that happens to me everytime I exercise. It is so annoying because I have to keep a rag nearby so I can wipe real fast. I guess it is probably from the elevated body temperature or something like that. I don't know but what I do know is it's a pain in the butt.
Yep - here's another with exercise induced runny nose syndrome! I also keep a snot rag handy. Maybe someone on here had a definitive reason for why this happens, but the elevated body temp sounds logical.


"Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever"
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Me too - always. How funny...all this time, I thought it was just me. It has always been my theory that my body is getting rid of the "junk" i.e. sweating out toxins, etc. So I just lumped the runny nose stuff as part of the "getting rid of junk" process. Perhaps there is a more scientific explanation somewhere in the house.
I have always heard that this is a good thing. It means that your lymphnodes are getting rid of toxins. Mine sometimes runs a little but not as much as I would like.:+
Yes, lots of times. It's like my body heats up and that helps to increase the flow (yuck!)

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