Running check-in 2/25


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-02 AT 03:38PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi guys!

Anyone run or run/walk or walk this week? We are having glorious weather here in the bay area, so I got out a lot. During the week I ran a total of 15 miles and I had a terrific 7.5 mile run on saturday at a wetlands preserve near my house. It was the longest I've run since my knee injury in december. No pain! I felt terrific. Did some hill repeats too. Feeling those today in my hip flexors & glutes! :) I signed up for another 5K (that's 3 total over the next 3 months) and the SF Bay-to-Breakers in May which is 7.5 miles. So I'm doing speedwork to improve my time. Lots of lower body work too, either LL or PS legs & abs.

Anyone get out there or even get on the treadmill?

Hi Marnie,
Glad to hear that you were able to get in a long run with no knee pain - that's a great sign!

I got in two 6 mile run/walks last week plus a miserable cold, rainy, windy 2.5 miler that I finally gave up on and headed home!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Hi, Marnie and Erica!

I have read about the Bay To Breakers run. It sounds wonderful! We are enjoying gorgeous weather here in Tucson too. It's 81 degrees right now. Erica, where do you live?

I ran 10.2 miles yesterday. Sunday is my long run day.

On Thursday, I ran an easy 6 miler and on Friday I did my speedwork, running a warm up, then 2.5 miles of intervals 30 seconds fast followed by 30 second recovery. I warmed down with a 1.6 miles to get home. I was only able to get in 3 days since I run around my husband schedule so he can watch my 4 year-old Sam.

I did an easy 5.5 miles this morning. Left my watch at home and enjoyed the beautiful morning (43 degrees at 8:00 am).

I have a 5K coming up on Sunday. I am hoping to pace myself and get in a good time. I have never learned to go out slowly and pick it up at the end and am hoping to learn to do so.

Any advice on pacing would be appreciated!
Happy trails!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
Hi Bobbi...

I live in NE Ohio - between Cleveland and PA. Today it was 61, but we are supposed to get some wintry weather again starting tomorrow. I ran 3 days in a row because it looks like winter is going to be back for a while.
Your morning run sounds wonderful - 43 degrees is just about perfect for me! What a great way to start the day!
Good luck with your 5K on Sunday!!!
Hi Bobbi!

Sounds like you got some great miles in this week! And WOW it's getting HOT out there in Tuscon!! :)

Have you checked out the race training plans on RW's website? There is a Higdon 5K plan for intermediate & advanced. You should be able to get good solid advice on pacing.

I like doing at least one tempo run a week to get race-ready

Here's the link to the training plans, if it doesn't work, copy & paste it into your browser:,1300,1-51-55-638,00.html

GOOD LUCK on saturday!!! Let us know how you do!

RE: Hi Erica!

You get some of that real wintry weather, don't you? I am a transplanted Michiganian myself. But I have been here in Tucson for 17 years and am very wimpy when it comes to the cold now. Sixty-one is nice! It was a gorgeous morning. It's almost always sunny so the cooler temps of the morning are wonderful. That sun really warms you up. I think my favorite running temperature is the low fifties because I put on a short sleeved shirt and it's just right. In a few months I'll have to get up at 5:00 to beat the heat. 110 in the shade and no shade!

I love racing and I am looking forward to the race! Thanks for the good wishes!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
RE: Hi again Bobbi...

I had to reply again because I thought it was funny that you have been in Tucson from Michigan for 17 years - I grew up in Miami, FL and have lived in Ohio for 17 years! Total opposites - you went from the cold to the heat and I went from the heat to the cold.
And I have to say I admire you and all the other exercisers who get up at 5am to workout! I love running and exercising, but I don't think I could drag myself out of bed that early to do it!
Good luck again on Sunday!
Erica, that is funny. How do you like the winter weather? I don't miss the cold at all. It's unseasonalby warm in Tucsonand should be in the seventies. I love those mild temps but I'll take 81 since it starts out cool and warms up then drops off again. The best of both worlds! We go back to Michigan every summer to see my mom and family. I have nine sisters and three brothers. One of my sisters is here. The rest are all in the general vicinity of my mom. She's a mile from Lake Michigan and has beach rights so summers are great! My in-laws transplanted to Florida and we'll be visiting the end of April.

Hi, Marnie, I think my problem is I don't "feel" the pace. My first Race for the Cure, I hit the first mile marker and the timer called out 6:51 and I said, "6:51! I don't run that fast!" I get very hopped up on adrenaline and excitement on race day and it has never made sense to me how running slower can make you have a faster time anyway. But I swear I am going out slowly and picking it up. I will visit Runner's World, thank you! What I really need is someone to pace me! Anyway, Sunday and Monday's run actually are part of this weeks workout plan. I start my week on Sunday and it usually goes to Friday with Saturday being a rest (cleaning) day. Although I did do 10 miles the Sunday before last, I only ran three days last week. This week I get in four. Next week the race is run in place of my long run but a break will be nice! I'll let you know how it goes. I am racing with my sister and we have fun no matter what!
Bobbi Chicks Rule!
Thanks, Marnie!

That Hal's got the goods. I mentioned living in Michigan as a kid. Hal lives or has a home in Michigan City, Indiana, not far from where I grew up. The bottom of his driveway along Lakeshore Drive sports a drinking fountain for the fitness enthusiasts. I love that!

I think I am going to do 6X 200 tomorrow for my speed work. The 30/30 doesn't give enough recovery time and I was wiped out when I was done! I will look into pacing. I wonder if I shouldn't just ask around to find someone doing 7:30 minute miles and tag along!:)

I just need to convince myself that if I start out at a slower pace and end up being slower overall, well, there's always another race to run. My sister has me signed up for the next 4 races, including a 7.4 mile race which is uphill the first half!
Bobbi Chicks Rule!
Hey everyone. I'm new to Cathe's tapes and this site and I am loving them. I workout regularly with some type of cardio(45-60 min.) and weights, but have just started running. I run now 2-2 1/2 miles a couple times a week and would like to increase my distance. I'm just wondering how long it took you all to build up to running so far. I would like to run about 6-8 miles a day. Any advice would be great. Thanks.
The safe way to increase your mileage is to add 10% per week. So add half a mile to your current 5 miles. See how it feels as you go and adjust accordingly. I started out doing 3 miles about three times a week. I loved it from the start and upped it to 5 days. It was very natural. When 3 miles felt comfortable, 4 was only a little more difficult. You can take a total weekluy mileage goal and divide it in a comfortable way. The 10% rule is a great guideling. Helps prevent injury. I also signed up for a race and trained for that distance. Check out Runner's World for running plans that will help you build safely. You'll be running long distances in no time!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!

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