running and chafing


Ok, it's not as gross as it sounds, I swear!
On my longer runs, I've begun to get these raw sores on the inside of my arms where they rub against my shirt while they're swinging. OUCH. Have any of you runners tried body glide or something like it? If so, how do you like it and does it stain your clothes? I've got to try something!
Try Aquaphor or body glide. Both work really well!

Costco has the best price for Aquaphor. HTH!
I posted not too long ago about chafing that was so bad it actually cut my skin in 2 spots on my chest. My sports bra did it on an 8 mile run several weeks back. I was also advised to try bodyglide or aquaphor but haven't gotten to the store to buy anything yet. I will soon though! I also get the chafing on the inside of the arm. Ouch is right!x(
I'm so glad I am not the only person that this happens too! I practically ran my last mile the other night with my arms above my head. I will try the Aquaphor or body glide. Does anyone know of any other stores that carry them or should I just try online? No Costco's around here unfortunately. :(
You can get Bodyglide at most running stores. That stuff is great! I used it for my marathon and didn't have any chafing problems - except in the places I didn't apply it! ;)
I have 2 basic styles of sports bras. With my older style bras, this does not happen, but using my newer bras, it does happen. It's the seam that does it. I don't use the newer style when I run anymore. Don't know what I'll do when the older style ones wear out.

You can usually get Aquaphor at any kind of discount store like Walmart, Target or Rite Aid. I have used it for years and it really helps the chafing issue...:)
Another Body Glide user here too! I was having rubbing issues while training for my marathon and that stuff WORKS!! I would rub it on my shoulders, under my arms, thighs, anything that would rub (it comes in a stick like a deodorant). Check your local running store! HTH!
I have run several marathons and have chafed in places I didn't know could chafe. On really long runs...15 or more miles the best thing to use is Vaseline. It does leave some marks on arm pit areas but never when I used it on my thighs. Maybe because I always wear black lycra shorts. Body Glide and Acquafor worked well for short runs. IMO vaseline, though more messy to put on, is still the best.
Have you tried Petroleum jelly? Swimmers have used it for years. Less expensive too.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
That is what I meant by Vaseline. I should have been more clear. Sorry. It really is the best and the cheapest.
It amazes me the places chafing can happen, often I don't even realise it's happened until I get in the shower and x( :eek: x( YOWZA!! I use BodyGlide and it works very well. I would feel really gross with Vaseline on my body during a run, too thick and gooey. The combination of vaseline, body heat and sweat doesn't sound like a good thing to me. Great for swims, but not runs JMHO:)

Take Care
You don't need a lot of vaseline. But trust me when you have to cover 26.2 miles you want something that will last.

I'm sorry; I didn't read before I responded. I think Vaseline and jelly are the same thing. You didn't do or say anything wrong.

No correction necessary,


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
>The only problem with Vaseline is that it stains the clothes.

It's also a petroleum product, so not very environmentally sound (as well as being pore clogging).

BodyGlide is not a petroleum product, and it works very well.

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