Runners: when to Gu?


My weekend runs are getting longer. Yesteday I did 8 miles and it was the first time my legs felt like they were cramping up at the end of the run and my body was going to quit before my lungs. What are the guidelines on when to use sport beans/gu's/electrolyte pills, etc.. ?
Usually any runs over an hour you'll need to replenish the glycogen in your muscles after about that time. So try having something at the 60 min mark and see if that helps. Also hydrate every 10-15minutes. Careful with the gu, it can cramp your stomach. Try an electrolyte drink like Now foods Electro pro endurance and recovery drink. Hope that helps!
I am sure this info varies a bit with us runners...I think it depends too on the temps you are running in for electrolytes. I have been marathon training in warm temps and on my long runs use Endurolytes, about 3 capsules every hour. I also use a sports drink called Perpetuem. I am not a fan of Gu, too sweet but I do use Sharkies after about 8-10 miles. I have had very few issues with cramping but I have trained for marathons for quite a few years and this is what works well for me now. Do you eat anything before you head out for your longer runs?
I usually don't use gels unless I am running for 2 hours or longer.

My guess is that it's not that you need to eat a gel during an eight mile run, but instead just need to adjust to the endurance. I think you'll begin to feel stronger at the end of the longer distances as you continue to run them.
I'm training for a half marathon in November and usually have GU or something else after 60 minutes or so. I don't have much trouble with cramping. I tend to drink lots of water because I run in the heat and humidity. I also eat before I run because I get hungry on longer runs.
Thank you runners! It did take me just over an hour to finish, maybe next time I'll eat/drink around 60 minutes? I usually don't eat right before, would that be better? I worry about making myself sick though, even if it's just a banana. What are y'all's rituals before/during a longer run?
Try eating a kiwi before you go out. And I take small sips of Heed. That stuff works miracles for me. I often mix in some BCAAs and Xtend. Studies are now showing that even swishing your mouth with a sports drink does enough (of course, not for super long runs - you WILL need fuel). I can't stand the Gu. I will use Shot Blocks and like those, plus the chewing motion is good because I will find that I set my jaw otherwise. Something like a Payday bar - about an inch or so bite here and there - can really give you a boost. And don't roll your eyes until you try it! A nice mix of carbs, some protein, a little fat. Pretty clean ingredient list too. If you are cramping like that, it sounds more like a deficiency and for 8 miles, you should be able to easily take care of that with something like the kiwi beforehand (load of potassium) and something like Heed or Endurolytes if it is very hot where you are.

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